

Configuration for general and Realtime logging.
Environment Variables
Environment variables are configurable for Directus Enterprise Cloud projects via our Customer Success team. You can also set environment variables in self-hosted projects.
VariableDescriptionDefault Value
LOG_LEVELWhat level of detail to log. One of fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace or
LOG_HTTP_IGNORE_PATHSList of HTTP request paths which should not appear in the log.

All LOGGER_* environment variables are passed to the options configuration of a Pino instance and all LOGGER_HTTP* environment variables are passed to the options configuration of a Pino-http instance.

Based on your project's needs, you can extend the LOGGER_* environment variables with any config you need to pass to the logger instance. If a LOGGER_LEVELS key is added, these values will be passed to the logger frontmatter, as described here. The format for adding LEVELS values is: LOGGER_LEVELS="trace:DEBUG,debug:DEBUG,info:INFO,warn:WARNING,error:ERROR,fatal:CRITICAL"

Log Retention

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
RETENTION_ENABLEDWhether or not to enable custom data retention settings. false will not delete data.false
RETENTION_SCHEDULEThe cron schedule at which to check for removable records, the default is once a day at 00:00.0 0 * * *
RETENTION_BATCHThe maximum number of records to delete in a single query.500
ACTIVITY_RETENTIONThe maximum amount of time to retain directus_activity records or false to disable. This excludes flow logs.90d
REVISIONS_RETENTIONThe maximum amount of time to retain directus_revisions records or false to disable.90d
FLOW_LOGS_RETENTIONThe maximum amount of time to retain flow logs or false to disable.90d

Realtime Logs

System Logs page with two panes - on the left a set of API calls, on the right the detailed logs for a single selected request.

The WebSocket Logs endpoint is accessible at /websocket/logs. The method of authentication is limited to strict and the connection will be disconnected when the authentication expires.

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
WEBSOCKETS_LOGS_ENABLEDWhether or not to enable the Logs subscriptions.true
WEBSOCKETS_LOGS_LEVELWhat level of detail to stream. One of fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace or
WEBSOCKETS_LOGS_STYLEStream just the message (pretty) or the full JSON log. One of pretty, raw.pretty
WEBSOCKETS_LOGS_CONN_LIMITHow many simultaneous connections are allowed.Infinity
Ephemeral Logs
Realtime system logs are ephemeral and not stored in the database. They are only available while the realtime connection is active. Refreshing the page will clear the logs.

Enabling Realtime Logs

Realtime system logs rely on WebSockets which are enabled as part of Realtime. To enable this feature:

  1. Ensure the WEBSOCKETS_ENABLED environment variable is set to true.
  2. Verify that the WEBSOCKETS_LOGS_ENABLED environment variable is set to true (it defaults to true if not explicitly configured).

Log Levels

Under the hood, Directus uses pino for logging and uses the log levels provided by the library:

Log LevelNumeric Value

Searching & Filtering

If running multiple instances of Directus in a horizontally-scaled setup, you can also filter the logs by instance in the System Logs pane.

You can also filter the logs by level, or filter by search terms in the msg field.