

Configuration for database connections.
Environment Variables
Environment variables are configurable for Directus Business Cloud and Enterprise Cloud projects via our Customer Success team. You can also set environment variables in self-hosted projects.
VariableDescriptionDefault Value
DB_CLIENTRequired. What database client to use. One of pg or postgres, mysql, oracledb, mssql, sqlite3, cockroachdb.
DB_HOSTDatabase host. Required when using pg, mysql, oracledb, or mssql.
DB_PORTDatabase port. Required when using pg, mysql, oracledb, or mssql.
DB_DATABASEDatabase name. Required when using pg, mysql, oracledb, or mssql.
DB_USERDatabase user. Required when using pg, mysql, oracledb, or mssql.
DB_PASSWORDDatabase user's password. Required when using pg, mysql, oracledb, or mssql.
DB_FILENAMEWhere to read/write the SQLite database. Required when using sqlite3.
DB_CONNECTION_STRINGWhen using pg, you can submit a connection string instead of individual properties. Using this will ignore any of the other connection settings.
DB_EXCLUDE_TABLESCSV of tables you want Directus to ignore completelyspatial_ref_sys,sysdiagrams
DB_CHARSET / DB_CHARSET_NUMBERCharset/collation to use in the connection to MySQL/MariaDBUTF8_GENERAL_CI
DB_VERSIONDatabase version, in case you use the PostgreSQL adapter to connect a non-standard database. Not usually required.
DB_HEALTHCHECK_THRESHOLDHealthcheck timeout threshold in milliseconds.150

Additional Database Variables

All DB_* environment variables are passed to the connection configuration of a Knex instance. This means you can extend the DB_* environment variables with any values you need to pass to the database instance.

This includes:

  • DB_POOL__ prefixed options which are passed to tarn.js.
  • DB_SSL__ prefixed options which are passed to the respective database driver. For example, DB_SSL__CA which can be used to specify a custom Certificate Authority (CA) certificate for SSL connections. This is required if the database server CA is not part of Node.js' trust store.