
Security & Limits

Configuration for access tokens, cookies, CSP, hashing, CORS, rate limiting, and request limits.
Environment Variables
Environment variables are configurable for Directus Enterprise Cloud projects via our Customer Success team. You can also set environment variables in self-hosted projects.
VariableDescriptionDefault Value
SECRET1Secret string for the project. Used for secret signing.Random value
ACCESS_TOKEN_TTLThe duration that an access token is valid.15m
EMAIL_VERIFICATION_TOKEN_TTLThe duration that an email verification token is valid.7d
REFRESH_TOKEN_TTLThe duration that a refresh token is valid. This value should be higher than ACCESS_TOKEN_TTL and SESSION_COOKIE_TTL.7d
REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_DOMAINWhich domain to use for the refresh token cookie. Useful for development mode.
REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_SECUREWhether or not to set the secure attribute for the refresh token cookie.false
REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_SAME_SITEValue for sameSite in the refresh token cookie.lax
REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAMEName of the refresh token cookie.directus_refresh_token
SESSION_COOKIE_TTLThe duration that the session cookie/token is valid, and also how long users stay logged-in to the App.1d
SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAINWhich domain to use for the session cookie. Useful for development mode.
SESSION_COOKIE_SECUREWhether or not to set the secure attribute for the session cookie.false
SESSION_COOKIE_SAME_SITEValue for sameSite in the session cookie.lax
SESSION_COOKIE_NAMEName of the session cookie.directus_session_token
SESSION_REFRESH_GRACE_PERIODThe duration during which a refresh request will permit recently refreshed sessions to be used, thereby preventing race conditions in refresh calls.10s
LOGIN_STALL_TIMEThe duration in milliseconds that a login request will be stalled for, and it should be greater than the time taken for a login request with an invalid password.500
REGISTER_STALL_TIMEThe duration in milliseconds that a registration request will be stalled for, and it should be greater than the time taken for a registration request with an already registered email.750
PASSWORD_RESET_URL_ALLOW_LISTList of URLs that can be used as reset_url in the /password/request endpoint.
USER_INVITE_TOKEN_TTLThe duration that the invite token is valid.7d
USER_INVITE_URL_ALLOW_LISTList of URLs that can be used as invite_url in the /users/invite endpoint.
USER_REGISTER_URL_ALLOW_LISTList of URLs that can be used as verification_url in the /users/register endpoint.
IP_TRUST_PROXYSettings for the Express.js trust proxy setting.true
IP_CUSTOM_HEADERWhat custom request header to use for the IP address.false
ASSETS_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICYCustom overrides for the Content-Security-Policy header for the /assets endpoint. See helmet's documentation on helmet.contentSecurityPolicy().
IMPORT_IP_DENY_LIST2Deny importing files from these IP addresses / IP ranges / CIDR blocks. Use to match any local IP address.,
CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_*Custom overrides for the Content-Security-Policy header. See helmet's documentation on helmet.contentSecurityPolicy().
HSTS_ENABLEDEnable the Strict-Transport-Security policy header.false
HSTS_*Custom overrides for the Strict-Transport-Security header. See helmet's documentation.

1 When SECRET is not set, a random value will be used. This means sessions won't persist across system restarts or horizontally scaled deployments. Must be explicitly set to a secure random value in production.

2 localhost can get resolved to ::1 as well as depending on the system - ensure to include both if you want to specifically block localhost.

Browser are pretty strict when it comes to third-party cookies. If you're running into unexpected problems when running your project and API on different domains, make sure to verify your configuration for REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME, REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_SECURE, and REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_SAME_SITE.


VariableDescriptionDefault Value
HASH_MEMORY_COSTHow much memory to use when generating hashes, in KiB.4096 (4 MiB)
HASH_LENGTHThe length of the hash function output in bytes.32
HASH_TIME_COSTThe amount of passes (iterations) used by the hash function. It increases hash strength at the cost of time required to compute.3
HASH_PARALLELISMThe amount of threads to compute the hash on. Each thread has a memory pool with HASH_MEMORY_COST size.1 (single thread)
HASH_TYPEThe variant of the hash function (0: argon2d, 1: argon2i, or 2: argon2id).2 (argon2id)
HASH_ASSOCIATED_DATAAn extra and optional non-secret value. The value will be included Base64 encoded in the parameters portion of the digest.

Argon2's hashing function is used by Directus to hash user passwords, generate hashes for the Hash field type in collections, and for use in the /utils/hash/generate endpoint.

All HASH_* environment variable parameters are passed to the argon2.hash function. See the node-argon2 library options page for reference.

Memory Usage
Modifying HASH_MEMORY_COST and/or HASH_PARALLELISM will affect the amount of memory directus uses when computing hashes; each thread gets HASH_MEMORY_COST amount of memory, so the total additional memory will be these two values multiplied. This may cause out of memory errors, especially when running in containerized environments.


VariableDescriptionDefault Value
CORS_ENABLEDWhether or not to enable the CORS headers.false
CORS_ORIGINValue for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. Use true to match the Origin header, or provide a domain or a CSV of domains for specific access.false
CORS_METHODSValue for the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.GET,POST,PATCH,DELETE
CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERSValue for the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.Content-Type,Authorization
CORS_EXPOSED_HEADERSValue for the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.Content-Range
CORS_CREDENTIALSWhether or not to send the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.true
CORS_MAX_AGEValue for the Access-Control-Max-Age header.18000

For more details about each configuration variable, please see the CORS package documentation.

Rate Limiting

You can use the built-in rate-limiter to prevent users from hitting the API too much.

Enabling the rate-limiter with no other options will set a default maximum of 50 requests per second, tracked in memory.

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
RATE_LIMITER_ENABLEDWhether or not to enable rate limiting per IP on the API.false
RATE_LIMITER_POINTSThe amount of allowed hits per duration.50
RATE_LIMITER_DURATIONThe time window in seconds in which the points are counted.1
RATE_LIMITER_STOREWhere to store the rate limiter counts. One of memory, redis.memory
RATE_LIMITER_HEALTHCHECK_THRESHOLDHealthcheck timeout threshold in milliseconds.150
RATE_LIMITER_GLOBAL_ENABLEDWhether or not to enable global rate limiting on the API.false
RATE_LIMITER_GLOBAL_POINTSThe total amount of allowed hits per duration.1000
RATE_LIMITER_GLOBAL_DURATIONThe time window in seconds in which the points are counted.1
RATE_LIMITER_GLOBAL_HEALTHCHECK_THRESHOLDHealthcheck timeout threshold in milliseconds.150
RATE_LIMITER_REGISTRATION_ENABLEDWhether or not to enable rate limiting per IP on the user registration.true
RATE_LIMITER_REGISTRATION_POINTSThe amount of allowed hits per duration.5
RATE_LIMITER_REGISTRATION_DURATIONThe time window in seconds in which the points are counted.60

Pressure-Based Rate Limiter

This rate-limiter prevents the API from accepting new requests while the server is experiencing high load. This continuously monitors the current event loop and memory usage, and error with a 503 early when the system is overloaded.

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
PRESSURE_LIMITER_ENABLEDWhether or not to enable pressure-based rate limiting on the API.true
PRESSURE_LIMITER_SAMPLE_INTERVALThe time window for measuring pressure in milliseconds.250
PRESSURE_LIMITER_MAX_EVENT_LOOP_UTILIZATIONThe maximum allowed utilization where 1 is 100% loop utilization.0.99
PRESSURE_LIMITER_MAX_EVENT_LOOP_DELAYThe maximum amount of time the current loop can be delayed in milliseconds.500
PRESSURE_LIMITER_MAX_MEMORY_RSSThe maximum allowed memory Resident Set Size (RSS) in bytes.false
PRESSURE_LIMITER_MAX_MEMORY_HEAP_USEDThe maximum allowed heap usage in bytes.false
PRESSURE_LIMITER_RETRY_AFTERSets the Retry-After header when the rate limiter is triggered.false

Limits & Optimizations

Allows you to configure hard technical limits, to prevent abuse and optimize for your particular server environment.

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
RELATIONAL_BATCH_SIZEHow many rows are read into memory at a time when constructing nested relational datasets.25000
EXPORT_BATCH_SIZEHow many rows are read into memory at a time when constructing exports.5000
USERS_ADMIN_ACCESS_LIMITHow many active users with admin privilege are allowed.Infinity
USERS_APP_ACCESS_LIMITHow many active users with access to the Data Studio are allowed.Infinity
USERS_API_ACCESS_LIMITHow many active API access users are allowed.Infinity
GRAPHQL_QUERY_TOKEN_LIMITHow many GraphQL query tokens will be parsed.5000
MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZEControls the maximum request body size. Accepts number of bytes, or human readable string.1mb
MAX_RELATIONAL_DEPTHThe maximum depth when filtering / querying relational fields, with a minimum value of 2.10
QUERY_LIMIT_DEFAULTThe default query limit used when not defined in the API request.100
QUERY_LIMIT_MAXThe maximum query limit accepted on API requests.-1