

Learn to manage realtime subscriptions with both websockets and GraphQL.

WebSocket subscriptions allow for real-time notification of item creations, edits, and deletions in a collection.

Subscribe to Changes in a Collection

Send the following message over your WebSocket connection to start a subscription:

    "type": "subscribe",
    "collection": "messages"

In return, you will receive a message to confirm that your subscription has been initialized:

    "type": "subscription",
    "event": "init"

Handling Collection Changes

When a change happens to an item in a collection with an active subscription, it will emit a message.

    "type": "subscription",
    "event": "create",
    "data": [
        // ...

The event will be one of create, update, or delete. If the event is create or update, the data will contain the full item objects (or specific fields, if specified). If the event is delete, just the id will be returned.

Working with Specific CRUD Actions

Using the optional event argument you can filter for specific create, update, and delete events.

Here's an example of how to do this:

    "type": "subscribe",
    "collection": "messages",
    "event": "create"

Specifying Fields to Return

If you only want to return specific fields on subscription events, add the query.fields property when initializing the subscription:

    "type": "subscribe",
    "collection": "messages",
    "query": { "fields": ["text"] }

Using UIDs

You can have multiple ongoing CRUD actions and subscriptions at a time. When doing so, it is highly recommended to add an additional uid property to your request, which will be included in related item change events.

    "type": "subscribe",
    "collection": "messages",
    "uid": "any-string-value"

When you receive responses, the same uid will be included as a property:

    "type": "subscription",
    "event": "create",
    "data": [
        // ...
    "uid": "any-string-value"

Use a new uid for every subscription, and you can easily tell which subscription an event is related to.

Unsubscribing from Changes

To stop change events being sent from a specific subscription, send the following message:

    "type": "unsubscribe",
    "uid": "identifier"

You can also omit uid to stop all subscriptions at once.

GraphQL Subscriptions

GraphQL subscriptions provide live updates that are delivered in real-time whenever an item is created, updated or deleted in your collection.

Establish a WebSocket connection between the client and server using createClient from graphql-ws. To authenticate, enter both your-directus-url and the generated token.

import { createClient } from "graphql-ws";

const client = createClient({
    url: "ws://your-directus-url/graphql",
    keepAlive: 30000,
    connectionParams: async () => {
        return { access_token: "MY_TOKEN" };

This creates a connection and ensures that only authorized clients can access the resources and real-time data updates.

Subscribe to Changes in a Collection

Send the following query, <collection>_mutated over your WebSocket connection to subscribe to changes. If you want to subscribe to a posts collection, the query would look like this:

subscription {
    posts_mutated {
        data {

In return, this query will subscribe to changes in the posts collection and return the id and text fields of the post added.

Handling Collection Changes

When a change happens to an item in a collection with an active subscription, it will emit a post.

    "posts_mutated": {
        "key": "1",
        "event": "create",
        "data": {
            "id": "1",
            "text": "Hello world!"

An event will be either create, update, or delete. If the event is create or update, the payload will contain the full item objects (or specific fields, if specified). If the event is delete, just the key will be filled the other requested fields will be null.

Working with Specific CRUD Operations

Using the event argument you can filter for specific create, update, and delete events. Here's an example of how to do this:

subscription {
    posts_mutated(event: create) {
        data {

Unsubscribing from Changes

To unsubscribe from a subscription, use the dispose method. Here's an example:


Calling dispose sends a post to the server to unsubscribe from the specified subscription. This will stop receiving any further updates for that subscription.