
Item Editor

Learn to create, duplicate, archive and perform other actions with items using Directus.

The item editor is a tailored form for managing individual items and their field values.

Item editor

Fields & Data Model

You can add fields to items by configuring the collection's data model. Here, you can also configure how the fields are displayed in the item editor.

Creating Items

To create an item, click in the page header to open the item page.

Fill in the fields as desired. Note that some of these will be marked as required and need to be filled in, or be dynamic fields. Relations will be filled in here, too.

SingletonsIf the collection is configured as a singleton in the data model settings, the App will automatically open the item page when selecting the collection.

Duplicating Items

Item duplicating

When editing an item, you can click on to select some advanced options, amongst them "Save as Copy". Selecting this will save a copy.

Archiving Items

To archive an item, follow these steps, navigate to the content module and select the desired collection. Select the desired item to open the item editor. Click located in the header and a popup will appear to confirm the action.

Archived items will not show up in search results or be returned in API responses. They still exist and can be retrieved using specific queries. Archiving can therefore be seen as a form of "soft deleting" an item.

Requires ConfigurationArchiving requires an archive field to be configured within the collection's data model settings.


Item revisions

As you update field values on items, Directus saves these revisions, and they can be compared side-by-side to the current state.

To revert an item, navigate to the content module and select the desired collection and select the desired item. Click on "Revisions" in the editor sidebar and then on the revision you wish to preview. Go to "Revisions Made" in the side menu and view the revision differences. Click to revert the item's values and return to the item page.

Revision PreviewYou will also see a "Revision Preview" button in the side menu navigation, which will let you preview all the item's values for that revision.
You can also revert items programmatically via the API.


Item comments

You can add comments to items in the sidebar by clicking on "Comments", which will show the form for submitting one. You can use the @ button to tag specific users in your comment.


Item shares

You can create shareable links to view an item in the sidebar by clicking on Shares -> New Share.

Here, you can specify the name, password, roles allowed to access the item, as well as the start and end dates for the link's validity, followed by the maximum times a link can be used.

To share the link, click on the new share's and select either "Copy Link" or "Send Link". You can also edit or destroy the share in this menu.

Next Steps

Learn how to use content versioning and the live preview functionality.