Reporting And Support

Customer Support

How to get help with Directus as a user and customer.

If you have questions while working with Directus, there are many resources to help you get up-and-running smoothly.

If you're experiencing issues or think you have found a problem in Directus, please see our troubleshooting steps.

If you're a Directus Enterprise Cloud user or currently have a technical support contract, use our support contact form to get in touch with our team.

Support Tiers

Community Support

Our Discord server is where our community members meet to connect and discuss all things Directus, including asking questions. Please keep all questions in the help channels, be considerate, and remember that you are getting free help from the community. While the Directus core team plays an active and engaged role in community discussions, there is no guaranteed response, including any response time for community support.

Enterprise Support

Basic support is included for all Enterprise cloud projects and can be added to any self hosted licensed projects. It includes access to the Directus Support team with response time service level agreements.

Premium support can be added on to Enterprise cloud and self hosted licensed projects and includes 24/7 critical issue support and a dedicated customer support manager.

Cloud customers and self-hosted users interested in learning more about our enterprise support should contact us at