Reporting And Support

Troubleshooting Steps

If you're experiencing issues or think you have found a problem in Directus, be sure to follow these steps.

If you're experiencing issues or think you have found a problem in Directus, be sure to follow these steps before reporting a bug:

  1. Ensure your server and database meet the minimum requirements.
  2. Ensure you’re on the latest version of Directus.
  3. Restart your Docker container.
  4. Disable any data-caching within your project.
  5. Test any app issues with both browser extensions and caching disabled (i.e. Incognito Mode).
  6. Confirm the issue is not related to your own custom code.
  7. Check for existing issues (and discussions) that match your problem.

We highly recommend, and will only be able to help, users who run Directus with Docker. Docker removes many environment-specific problems such as system dependencies.

If you're still experiencing a problem after completing the above steps, you can chat through things on our community support or report a bug.