
Guest Authors

Our guest author program invites authors to join and get paid to write tutorials for the Directus community.

Our guest author program invites authors to join and get paid to write tutorials for the Directus community. We accept new guest authors into the program periodically via application form.

Once you have been invited to join the program, you will be able to see all of the posts we want created and can indicate which tutorials you are interested in writing.

Become a Directus Guest Author

Apply to become a guest author.

How Does It Work?

  1. Submit an application via form to become a guest author.
  2. Our team reviews applications periodically and admits authors based on the current technical needs of our author profiles.
  3. We onboard authors and share more about the tutorial assigning process, which happens in GitHub.
  4. We release tutorials we’d like to see written and assign a budget per tutorial within each tutorial’s details.
  5. Authors say which tutorials they’d like to work on and we assign them on a monthly basis.
  6. Once a tutorial is assigned to a guest author, they manage, write and submit it via GitHub for a review.
  7. Once reviewed and accepted, the guest authors upload their tutorial into our Directus backend ready for the Directus team to publish it.

This process ensures that we work with you to create the best possible content, while also ensuring that the content fits within our publication needs.


We will indicate our budget for each content piece when we post it for consideration, typically these budgets will be either $250 or $500 depending on the size and complexity of the piece.

We require you to have a bank account in a country listed here.

At the end of each month, you will need to submit an invoice to us for the completed pieces. The invoice will be made with NET30 payment terms so you should receive payment 30 days after the invoice is accepted. For the first month, there will also be an tax form to provide as part of joining the program.

We’re flexible, posts should strike a balance between being informative and concise.

Once you’ve been accepted into the program, getting tutorials assigned, written and reviewed is done on a monthly basis.

No, we are not currently accepting tutorial ideas outside of the requested content issues.

We currently only accept contributions in English.

Yes, so long as you add our post as the canonical source to each content post.

You own your content, but you grant us unlimited license to post and promote your content.

No, once a piece is ready for publishing, we consider it done, there is no expectation to keep it updated and if we do want a piece updating, we will open a new issue and offer it out as a new piece of work, original authors have first right of refusal.

You must be aged 18+ to join the program.