Starter kits
Focus on the frontend with pre-built data model backends for various use cases. LMS, PIM, and more.
Get premium benefits and join an exclusive group of Directus developers. Only $299 per year.
By subscribing to Directus+, you agree to our terms and services.
When building projects, I'm always looking for ways to reduce the time I spend on backend schema building without any compromises in quality or flexibility. Directus+ is a great way to focus on what matters with robust starter kits. It's also a great way to support the project and get other benefits in return.
Dominic Marcelino
Founder, Utomic Media
Directus+ is a companion subscription that helps you get the most out of our open source composable CMS.
Directus+ members instantly get access to advanced templates that save time and effort, allowing you to focus on customization and scaling. Kits are added frequently and are unlimited use.
Check out a few of the starter kits on our demo.
E-learning data model for course and user management
Product data organization and management starting point.
Data model for real-time system performance and update communication.
Base model for efficient task organization and workflow tracking.
Foundational data model for user-focused content streaming service.
Teams-based software-as-a-service starter complete with permissions and access control.
Have a different question not listed here? Reach out to our team via our contact page.
Once your Directus+ subscription is active, you will receive an email confirming that you've been added to a private Github repo.
That repo contains detailed instructions on how to implement in your instance with our CLI tool.
Whenever your subscription ends, you will lose access to the repo.
To get the most out of Directus+, you'll need a:
And that's it! All other benefits/perks will be coordinated via your email.
In addition to starter kits and exclusive Discord channels, all Directus+ users will get premium swag when available and access to advanced workshops.
These workshops will be quarterly deep-dives on features like Automate or Insights. Each session is recorded so you get access to the backlog of workshops, as well.
Other than that, we'll work with our partners and other customers to provide periodic benefits and promotions for all Directus+ members.