Getting Started

Configure a Data Model

This guide will cover creating a collection in Directus via the Data Studio, creating fields, and configuring relationships.

This guide will cover creating a collection in Directus via the Data Studio, creating fields, and configuring relationships.

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Creating a Collection

Log into the Directus Data Studio as an administrator. If this is a brand-new project, you will be presented with the option to create your first collection. Otherwise, go to the settings module and create a new collection from the Data Model page.

Set the name of this collection to be posts, leaving all other options in both the collection setup and optional field pages as their defaults. You now have a new collection with only a primary key.

A brand new collection

Creating Fields

Your collection only has a primary key. From your new posts collection configuration page, click the Create Field button and select the Input interface. Set the key to title and leave all other options as their defaults.

Create another new field with a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) interface. Set the key to content.

Configuring a Relationship

Create a new collection called authors. In the new collection, create a new field with an Input interface and set the key to name.

Go to the posts collection configuration and create a new field with the Many to One interface and set the key to author. Set the related collection to authors and configure the Display Template to show just the author's name by clicking and selecting the name field.

Now that you have successfully configured a relationship between the two tables, you can start creating data.

In the module bar, go to the content module. Enter your authors collection and create 2 authors with the names Ben Haynes and Rijk van Zanten.

Enter the posts collection and create two posts, selecting an author from the Many to One interface.

Selecting an item from a relation

Both collections' settings

Next Steps

Read more about configuring collections, fields, and relationships. See all available interfaces in Directus. Access your new collections via API or SDK using Connect.