Project Overview
What is particularly beautiful and what could be improved about your own neighbourhood and the region? The ‘Lebenswert’ project aims to paint a picture of the living situation in Central Germany that is as comprehensive as possible. But how do you motivate a younger target group to take part in an opinion poll? By turning the survey into a game!
Using the MDR questionnaire as a basis, we combined classic question mechanics with interesting gamification mechanics and wrapped everything up in a playful retro-pixel look. Classic game elements such as an avatar selection and animated level transitions in a 2D side-scroller look complement the tried-and-tested questionnaire mechanics, but give the survey the playful lightness that encourages you to play through. The highlight: treasure chests are collected for answering questions and can be spent in a ‘bonus level’. At the end, there is a comparison with the answers of other participants to show what the future looks like: We decide together what the future will look like!