Translation Station is a series exploring the vast opportunities for localization in Directus. It covers topics from translating the Directus codebase, translation strings, translating your content, and accessing your translated content via the Directus APIs.
Play Latest EpisodeDirectus comes in several languages translated kindly by our community. In this episode, Carmen will show you how to contribute your own translations using Crowdin.
Did you know you can individually translate labels, notes, and other aspects of your Directus project? In this episode, Carmen will show you how to use Directus’ translation strings.
Directus allows you to set up your content to be translated into a bevy of languages. In this episode, Carmen will show you how to activate and use content translations.
You can use your Directus project’s API to access your translated content. In this episode, Carmen will show you how to build an application to display translated content using the Directus SDK, REST and GraphQL APIs.