TIL is an educational show where Matt Minor, a non-technical marketer, dives into the world of code, learning how to perform specific tasks live. In each episode, viewers witness Matt's journey as he tackles various technical challenges. Along the way, Matt shares his discoveries, successes, and occasional missteps, making tech more accessible to non-technical professionals.
Play Latest EpisodeWhat happens when a non-technical person attempts to get technical? In episode 1 of Technically I'm Lost (TIL), non-technical marketer Matt attempts to build the data model for a partner directory from scratch, with help from resident Directus expert Bryant.
What happens when a non-technical person attempts to get technical? In episode 2 of Technically I'm Lost (TIL), non-technical marketer Matt attempts to set-up roles and permissions for a partner directory from scratch, with help from resident Directus expert Bryant.