Learn how to create preset layouts, including filters and sorts, inside of Directus Explore.
Speaker 0: Hi. Welcome back to another episode of Short Hops. I'm your host, Brian Gillespie. And today I wanna talk to you about Global Bookmarks inside Directus. This is one of my favorite features.
I say that a lot, but I I love this feature just because it is really great to preset some nice defaults for your nontechnical users when you onboard them into a Directus project. Your content editors, your marketers, anybody else that you're working with that has access to the Directus app will thank you, when you set up really nice global bookmarks for them. So right now you can see inside, this particular project, this is my Agency OS project, I have these bookmarks that are set up and these are set up as global bookmarks. So out of the gate, Directus allows you to customize any of these specific views to your liking. So I can go in and adjust the layout to be Kanban, table, calendar view.
Within the table view, I can adjust the different widths. I can set up different filters, control the fields that I want to display. And for users who are new to Directus, it is a a really beautiful UI, but when they first log in, they may not have all their different views set up. Well, they're they're definitely not going to have that. So as a developer, as the technical person, as the lead on this project, do yourself a favor as well.
Set up global bookmarks. So how do we do that? You know, if I click edit on this, I could see that it's a global bookmark. But if I go in and let's just say I bookmark a view, new bookmark. Great.
We can see that is not the default. It is a personal bookmark. So to make these bookmarks global, what can I do? I go into my settings, I go to our bookmarks tab, and then I can look for the bookmark name that I've got set up. So that one that I just created called bookmark, but it could be a challenge.
Right? Maybe I sort by ascending order. This is new bookmark. If I wanted to make this global, all I have to do is go into that specific one and change the scope. So I could change it to all users here and hit save and now that becomes a global bookmark that is available for any user that logs into Directus.
And if I click edit, I can see that as well. But let's say I want to edit that in the future, I can also just go back to it and there are you have the ability to preset layouts. And here in this layout preview, you can even control, what fields are displayed and things like the column widths. So a lot of this power is available to you and not necessarily right in front of your face, so it's easy to overlook. So that's one of my favorite tips.
I'll catch you on the next episode.