In this recording of our live event on May 23 2024, Daniel, Jonathan, and Rick discuss making the strictness of API errors
Speaker 0: Thank you for joining for this week's, session of request review. We have a fascinating topic for you, which is a little deeper than you think from the from the title. But thanks for joining. We hope you like it. This week's topic is about the strictness of API errors.
So what does that even mean? Let's kick off with that. Everybody knows software doesn't work always quite how you want it to work, so sometimes you will receive errors in your application, and Directus is no exception. So as you might have noticed, we are very strict as of right now. So if you do something wrong, chances are high that you're just gonna see the message forbidden.
Like, even when the message, even when the error isn't actually that type of error. So why do we even do that? Throw throwing the, throwing the conversation ball to mister Reich over there, please.
Speaker 1: To me? Oh, man. Why do we do that? Well, it stems from a security report back in those days in that if you, let's let's use let's use a, a a 4 zero four as an example because it's it's an easy one to think about. So let's say you're fetching a collection that doesn't exist.
Right? So you should get a 404 because the thing doesn't exist, so there's no route for it. No endpoint. If we would return a 404 for those, you could theoretically extract what the data model looks like by brute forcing your way through the whole API and checking which things return a 404 and which things return a 403, which, you know, to some security minded folks or setups, that's an issue because you don't wanna expose what type of data that you're managing in this system for security reasons. Now this is immediately where we're kicking off with opinions.
Speaker 0: Let's go.
Speaker 1: Because you can definitely, you know, you you can see it from both sides. You can easily say, well, that just makes the developer experience very annoying. And that's also why I created this feature request the moment I built it in this way. But it makes sense from a security perspective. Right?
It's a similar reason why, during login, it'll say wrong email password or account doesn't exist, but you never exposed which of the 2 it is just to make sure that people can't slate, you know, what users exist. And the same goes for, you know, individual items in records. It's like you wanna, you wanna make sure that you can't just say, okay, slash item slash xyz and just keep scraping all of the different numbers, and now you know exactly what records exist, etcetera, etcetera. Somebody rightfully called out, you know, nobody does that in this trustworthy world, which I think sort of concludes this discussion then. Just ignore it.
Speaker 0: Lying on the Internet? What? Who does that? No. What?
No. No. No. We don't do that. And a perfect example.
So leaking of information is a very, very big thing. You don't want to expose stuff that you don't have to expose, but as you just said, it would be nice, for example, like the most basic, setup when you're just developing locally, it would be nice if you could actually see what went wrong. Because currently, it's just okay, forbidden. Nope. No information for you.
So then the question comes. Oh, La Prima asked, can we go on stage? Sure thing. I think so. But let's let's first, summarize a little bit.
So There should be
Speaker 1: a button somewhere.
Speaker 0: The question is. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So, immediately the question comes to mind.
Okay. So if you would have multiple errors in that case, a strict one which just says forbidden and another one that has more information, Okay. How many different errors would you even like to have? So are we happy with just 2? Because, I guess this is opinion alert or something, or maybe even a useful thing for many other people.
Like, what what do you guys think about this? Like, how many error, different error, messages would be nice, would be good. Useful.
Speaker 1: I mean, that is very much a sliding scale, isn't it? Because you really go from, from like, just give me every single thing. It's like, oh, I was trying to read the articles collection that I don't have access to. So I'm gonna get a forbidden error that says, well, articles exist, but you can't read it. And that's because of this permission that you don't have.
For development purposes, that's really nice. But if you go to production with that, it's tricky because now you're just exposing a bunch of information about, you know, your setup. So, yeah, I'd I'd say it it there's a large range there's a large range in in that. And even within that forbidden error, you know, we can, think about how we wanna return stuff. So one thing I've been working on recently as part of this the the rules and permissions sprint that we'll we'll ship in soon is the, is that forbidden errors now include a little bit more information as in, you know, the field x that you were trying to query, you know, you don't have access to it or it doesn't exist, but at least it's a little bit more explicit while not necessarily exposing the schema, but just exposing what part of your query is wrong.
Right? Which is not leaking any of that information but still being a little bit more useful.
Speaker 0: Alright. That does sound exciting, to be honest. Like, it's such a developer thing, like, normal users. I don't know if how how many people care about this, but this is such a nice thing for developers. So I gather from your answer right now maybe 3 types of messages.
At least from your answer, it sounded like 2 in the beginning, like, one strict one with a little bit of information, but that could be counted as 3, right? Like the very strict one with nothing, a strict one with a little bit, and another one with very much information. Are we happy with 3?
Speaker 1: No? Yes. Asterisk. There's one more tricky thing in that the output type signature of the errors themselves change between those modes Right? So for example, if you're trying to fetch a thing that doesn't exist, we want to return a 404 status code with a not found error message.
If you then program your app around that, you know, that it on your front end, it shows, you know, something because it checks 4 Oh, it was a 404 status. Therefore, do this logic. Right? The moment you now change that option to be strict when you go to production, that messes up again. Because now it's returning a 403 with a forbidden instead of a 404 with a not found.
Speaker 0: So Let's see. May maybe maybe after we dive in a little bit deeper, we have more clarity around this. But so far, like, I personally like would like, I think, 3 modes. Let let's call them levels. Do we call them levels, modes?
I think levels. Right?
Speaker 1: Yeah. It depends. As per usual, it's
Speaker 0: great.
Speaker 1: It it depends on, you know, are we considering multiple different flavors at the same time, or is it just an on and off? Because somebody in the chat just now rightfully mentioned, maybe it's just a single production versus development flag that changes that. Right? It could also be a setting within the app. Maybe it's even a setting on a per collection basis that you wanna say, well, this collection is not as, you know, private as the other ones.
So for this one I wanna have, you know, nice and friendly, messages. And for the rest, we wanna keep private. There's options. It's tricky. It's it's when it comes to a single sort of Boolean flag that says production yes or no, I would be a little bit worried about getting into a point where undoubtedly 3 months later, somebody will show up and be like, well, we kinda need something in between.
You know?
Speaker 0: Exactly. You
Speaker 1: can't really
Speaker 2: Or more importantly, somebody develops in development mode thinking they've got those messages, then they move that code to production, and suddenly nothing works.
Speaker 1: Right. Which is gonna be a bit of an issue no matter what because
Speaker 0: Agreed.
Speaker 1: We're not talking about, you know, changing the output errors. You could consider those, part of, the the what what would you call it? The public API contract of the APIs that you're building against. Right? Because because, you know, in your intro then, you said stuff sometimes crashes, and that's just part of part of software life.
Stuff crashes on purpose. Right? In this case, like when validation fails, it's we're still throwing an error, but it's not an unexpected error or anything else. It's, you know, we stop you from doing something on purpose, so we throw an error, which is, you know, a bit of a difference there as well, of course. Because when it comes to exposing internal server errors, it's a whole different question.
Because right now we do a similar thing, right, where we say you just get internal server error. That's it. Like regular users don't see anything else. If you're an admin user though, that's today, that's the difference. It'll show, you know, the stack trace of the actual JavaScript error, with where in the source codes it it it happened.
So but exposing internal server errors to non authenticated users, that's gonna be that could easily become an issue. Right? Because now you find some sort of vulnerability path or whatever that's you don't wanna expose that.
Speaker 0: Definitely.
Speaker 1: From the chat, somebody has a suggestion here. It says, what about setting a trusted IP address? So you can just say, okay. When I am the one from my home to do this, I get all the pretty errors and otherwise, I can't. I think you're gonna have a similar issue with, you know, def versus prod, strict versus friendly error types, and how do you handle those in your app.
It's gonna be a tricky tricky thing to figure out. And then somebody else said, the only thing where that really isn't enough is when there's a delete constraint. Users trying to delete items, and they can be deleted because they're still a referencing item. Admins already get a little oh, yeah. That's yeah.
Because right now that is technically, a database error that bubbles up. So it comes out as an internal server error that for admins, it'll show the the SQL error underneath. But for regular users, they just get a whoops, you know, internal server error.
Speaker 0: Also with the IP, since currently currently, IP access, is attributed to roles. Right? You you customize that on a role with that access. So we could use that, but it does, like, sound very, very, very likely to me that you wouldn't be interested in, like, giving this to every single user of that role. You would like to have something more granular than that.
So how about this also comes from, someone from the community. How about we attach this to permissions themselves? So let's say this user can access this and that, and that user is authorized to receive better errors than other users. For example, like, the simplest example, like admin users. Right?
Mhmm. Like, all admin users are allowed to get the best errors that you can, But users other users get strict errors. Okay? But that, yeah. That's that, like, I I I'm not really sure how exactly complicated that would be to do at every single point in the in the code base.
Speaker 1: Well, I mean, in in terms of implementation, how like, they currently were throwing forbidden errors all over the place, but the way this would work in implementation is right at the end where we return the error in the APIs, that's where the sort of translation layer kicks in. Right? So all over the code base, it should just throw the actual errors or the actual error types and the correct ones. So if you're trying to hit something that doesn't exist, it should throw a not found error. And then all the way at the end in the middleware stack in the error response handler, it should say, oh, if your current, you know, e n v setting for errors or if the, which I'm gonna call it, if the the error permissions or whatever you wanna call it are set to a certain state, then it translates them into a different way.
I think that's the way that that will be implemented realistically speaking.
Speaker 0: Yeah. That does sound quite good. Adjust intercept as a middleware. Okay. You are allowed to see this or not.
Speaker 1: Yeah. Because we're doing that on a case by case. It's gonna be insane. Just trying to do it every single time that we throw an error. That's that's too much.
We currently already do a similar thing, right, where the the error handling stack, we check was this a direct as error type or any other error and that chooses between internal server error or, sort of the the expected error output.
Speaker 0: Very reasonable. I think, if somebody from the chat also has another recommendation or anything, please let us know. There's quite a quite a bit of action today, which is pretty nice, actually. Like, seeing the chat scroll up and down is pretty nice. Somebody says, I can't explain it in the chat, but I'll try.
That's lovely.
Speaker 2: Well, well, La Prema can if if you you guys are okay with it, La Prema can join us on the stage.
Speaker 1: Yeah. I'm down. There should be a button somewhere that just says, I
Speaker 2: can invite them or they can add they can request, but we can also do an invite.
Speaker 1: How is that often with these?
Speaker 2: They asked to speak earlier, so I'm inviting. Or have they does Kevin have that blocked in this event?
Speaker 1: Oh, boy. With this guy.
Speaker 2: Nope. Nope. There we go.
Speaker 1: I got the invite. I got Does it work? I got
Speaker 2: him up here.
Speaker 3: I'm trying to
Speaker 0: see if I wait. Weekend.
Speaker 3: Yeah. It works. Okay.
Speaker 1: It works. Hello. Welcome. Hello.
Speaker 3: As always, sorry for my accent. I'm I'm Frenchy. But, like, I Don't worry.
Speaker 1: You're you're chatting with a Dutch and a German, so we we know you need to know the guy.
Speaker 3: Oh, yeah. But your English is better than mine. I don't know if you remember, but we used to talk to Get A Rich for about the the error management system. And at that time, I was working for a company who uses directors, but I leave them. So after, what I haven't the time to to follow the the the case of the the server management system.
But, I think the the main problem, we had is is, dealing with the the the, yeah, the, like, the granular system of a thing. And what I proposed at the that time was, like, adding in the the collection a a new, column, like, you already have, edit and all that stuff. And, in permission, column where you will have, like, 1 or 2 level no. Mostly 2, but 2 or 3 level of, strictness of the error. Like, do do do I wanna send them all on that collection or not?
Because, yeah, I I think that would be the I'm sorry. But because it's user related, it would be better for the companies. Because, if you if you, like, have only one private, instance of directors, I think it's not a problem to throw error to people because they are part of the company. So if they don't, respect them, their permissions, you they can have, like, legal, troubles, and this is possible. But if you have, like, an public API and also a private one, On one instances, if it's just a mode, I think it won't fit because a lot of data can be really sensitive.
And, same goes with the developer mode. Yeah. I I totally agree with, like, developing something, in a in a development mode and then going to production, it doesn't work. That would not be a solution for me. And, as well that the the this this production and development mode would be probably used somewhere else, at another time.
And, in a long term view, that will just lean in people active in the development, mode every time and, development searching, be thrown everywhere.
Speaker 1: Yeah. That's right. It's such a tricky, and I I think if that, what was that nodes flag called? It node e and v or something as taught as anything is that you should not rely on a single dev and prod flag. Yeah.
No. It's a good one. It's the the doing it on a collection level, on a permissions level for for collections, basically. It's it's a good angle. It's it raises some different interesting questions though as per usual.
Everything does, Especially around requests that touch multiple collections at the same time, right? Where in REST, you can technically go, you know, nest it and then you end up with you could have an error that's thrown in the sort of nested layer of the same request. Or in a GraphQL request, you can technically request multiple collections at the root level at the same time. And then it gets a little interesting because now you can get, you know, a different error output from that request based on which of the data points of that request crashed, I guess, instead of, you know, the request itself,
Speaker 3: which opens a little
Speaker 1: bit of a different kind of words.
Speaker 3: Yeah. But I I think in some case, that's what we want. Because, in the the app I I was working on, we we used to to to get in that kind of problem where, we have people, who had access to certain company, but not certain order. And we retrieve that data in one block. And if some points fails, the the whole, request will fail, so we'll have to deal with that.
And, what what we can do at that point, I guess, it's when you you have the error only in one part of the query, it's just returning not an error not an error code, but just like in the API, an error, tag in, that object and not all the thing. But I I know that would be, like, a big breaking change. So it can be hard to implement for some people. But, I guess, by default, if we just disable all the error, like, the the basic settings will just be, what Direct just currently does, it won't be a problem because the people who turn the the feature on, would know what they do or or would have ways to find out.
Speaker 1: I think that is
Speaker 0: You're you're just assuming that people know what they do. I barely know what I'm doing. And when when I add features oh, no.
Speaker 1: I think, it it there's a there's a new question hidden in there that we hadn't touched on yet, nor in our notes right now, which is if an error is thrown somewhere nested, let's say, you know, the let's use the GraphQL as an example because it's it's easy to reason about. Let's let's say you're requesting 5 collections of data at the same time. Right? And one of the 5 crashes. The question is, do you return an error and the whole thing failed, or do you return the data that worked and then have an additional error flag that just indicates this is the path of your query that didn't work?
But return what you have and leave the rest.
Speaker 3: And, I think for that opinions. Yeah. I think for that, the the the best way to to do it is just, like, throwing the error only for what phase. Because, if we use these directives, I assume it's that we just want to cut the the front end. And and so, it it would be, most of the time, like, an interactive app or a single page application on or something of of that kind.
And those kind of errors are really easy to to treat with that method. So and and, I I think most of the time, if we activate the the feature, it's what we want because, that will lead in, less, just big crashes, like internal server error proof and nothing worse. So I don't know.
Speaker 1: It's it's an interesting one because, somebody in Chet just now says it too. It's a rather fundamental question. But, you know, you see both in the wild, and both are kinda alright. It's it's, there's also an implicit difference between, you know, reading and write operations there as well, of course, that if you do a large nested update, you kinda want it to work as a single unit, as a single transaction to make sure that if, you know, part of the insertion doesn't work or part of the update, the whole thing shouldn't, you know, go through because otherwise you have that sort of half half done state. But for read queries, it could be different, but that really depends on, you know, what are you reading, and is it all tightly coupled, or are you reading multiple things at the same time for convenience sake?
Because if I'm not mistaken, in in sort of the GraphQL spec, Like, it allows you to return partial data and then errors for other root fields. But I feel like if there's an error in a nested field in the query, it'll still fill that one sort of root query as a whole. But that is that is something I love to double check.
Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. I'm I'm I'm not sure either. Like, my my gut feeling was, no. I I I don't wanna say something wrong right now.
So, okay. Another another suggestion from the chat. How about hashing the error plus a UUID, I assume that is? Only admins will be able to see what the error really is. Well, I mean, I mean, you are probably talking about, like, error codes.
Like, for example, many different other apps just say, okay this is error 3, 1,172 or something. And then you can look up internally what that exactly means, But, you would still be missing out on, like, more information, like the stack trace or which which file failed or something something that you would have to encode in that thing, but I don't think that's always possible or
Speaker 1: even Or to just think very divergently. You know, an alternative approach is that you basically encrypt the whole error, save that to a database, and then only return the ID of the error that it was. So then the admin can log in and look up what the full stack was and and and and sort of decrypt it and see the whole the whole contents and everything else. But that that feels like a way to sort of persist to security and give more information at the same time. But it also feels like another skip and a hop and a skip for regular users to be able to just, you know, use do the errors that are output.
Speaker 0: That's an interesting thing. I have never thought about it like that. People do that? Do their apps do that? That's interesting.
Speaker 3: Yes. Some app does. I I used to work on one with the that. But I think it's the it's a problem because, like, most of the time, you you wanna informing in some way your user of what the error is because you don't want to to get someone just to to create a ticket to the IT support just every time they need, something, didn't work. But they just didn't have the permission in the first time.
So, yeah, I don't think, it's a global sit solution. But maybe in some case in some case, if if we add, like, an EMV approach, that would be a a great option for some people that maybe need that.
Speaker 1: And I could see it work like that for for internal server errors. Right? Well, that's one of those things where we wanna hide away the stack trace no matter what for for the API output and then save it elsewhere. But at the same time, you know, saving every error could easily blow up in your face too, because if you just have, you know, an unauthenticated user that tries to access some data there's no permissions for, we don't wanna save those. Right?
Because now you could easily just blow up a database by a public malicious actor that just spams your API knowing that they're gonna get errors. So there is there is definitely a a difference between sort of expected and unexpected errors there and which ones are saved. Have AI blocked them. AI solves all of our problems.
Speaker 0: Sure. Just do what I want. Parentheses open, parenthesis close. That should do it. Right?
If only if only it would be that easy. K. So let's let's summarize a little bit because we have been, you know, throwing stuff out there. Maybe we should get back to reality a little bit. So, okay.
So so let's say we have, we like to use the Moscow list. Right? The must have, should have, could have, type of stuff. So for must haves, let's let's get on the same train. Like like, what do we need?
What what must we include? So, yeah. How granular do we make this? Oh, no. It has to be actionable, man.
It has to be actionable. Okay.
Speaker 3: I I think the the point where we've been stuck the the last time was reached is, like, we we both agree on the fact we need a granular system, but we both must agree, on the fact that it would be so long to to make and to think and all that stuff that maybe it would be nice to have something, before that. But,
Speaker 1: Right. Yeah.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 3: But, I I think, that's, my my point was, like, directors, is a tool who is proposing things like a a different way than the other, tools in the same category. Like, you you just want it to to be a little more, accessible and, and usable. And not just, like, being that's the way you should do that and, just follow it. And and so I I think that's the problem there. If we did something else, than a granular system, you would, follow a path that doesn't feels like directors to me.
And I don't know that that's totally your point, but but, I I'm not sure if that's what people need. Otherwise, they they will lose WordPress or or something like that.
Speaker 1: You you you sound like a team member in the sense of when the choice arises, let's do it the difficult way and make it unopinionated wherever we can. So no. I I do agree though. I do agree because it's it it is at the end of the day, this is a very opinionated thing, where for some apps, it's acceptable to have it a little looser or even want it. For some, you know, security minded folks, it's absolutely not, and we can't really make that decision for people at that global level, even though we have right now.
Oops. Right now we are on the side of safety first, which, you know, it's it's defendable, but not ideal. Like, that's also why I created that feature request. It feels like decades ago, but it was 3 years. I think that the the main unresolved question now, and and that is sort of to answer your point, Dan, before we can really fill in the blanks for what are the must haves, is what is that ideal approach to how do you configure this?
And then from from a developer experience first and then secondly does that make sense from an implementation perspective. Because doing it on the collection scope level makes sense for errors that are thrown on the collection scope, but not all errors are thrown within the context of a single collection. So that that that opens up, you know, new questions. And the opposite is true for doing it globally on the e and v level. Right?
Because, you know, it's a low pretty much excellent point. It's not that black on white that you say make it insecure for the whole API. You know, you wanna do it on a case by case basis. That is a that's a that's just a statement with no no answer.
Speaker 3: No. I don't another, I don't know what to say it in English, but, like, another thing we, think about at time was, like, just, if if we take, like, the the point, if we need the error, it's just to treat them. One, thing, which, was a a little bit, between the two option is just like, having some kind of way to tell directors just, okay. This error, I want you to to throw it, and other errors I don't want. So that would be a little bit more granular, but that would be more like, just a techy approach.
And and then not, being, so universal.
Speaker 0: Oh, Rike, you're muted, by the way.
Speaker 1: I hit the wrong mute button. That's what you get when you have 2. I I muted myself here, and then I and then I muted myself to unmute on this. Oh, man. I mean, we've only been doing this remote thing for about 5 years now, so I'm I'll I'll get it.
Yeah. Because I what what I was trying to say is that that approach to say, okay, which error types do we expose? That is something we could do on the role level or soon to be policy level, And it is a system where we can still have one translation middleware that handles that error no matter where is thrown from, which is you if you compare that to the sort of collection idea that we had earlier, that one is a little trickier to implement in that sense, because now you have to make sure that you know what the collection context is for every single function call that may or may not throw an error. And then do that sort of translation piece, in in situ of where those errors are created, That makes sense. Whereas with, you know, an approach where you say, okay, not found errors can be exposed.
If that's your setting, we can do that on one middleware at the end of the stack to just say, okay. Was the error
Speaker 0: Again, I'm not sure if if I can wrap my head around every single edge case, but, like, it does sound and may maybe I understood it a little incorrectly, but it does sound quite easy to mess that up. Like, it to to to bubble to bubble something up that does not get blocked then. And somehow I am exposing a random error that I have not thought about, like, on on an error level.
Speaker 1: It's it's the difference of an allow list versus a deny list is basically what you're saying. Right? So if you have a filter where you're denying individual pieces, it's easy to miss something. Whereas we do the opposite way where it's blocked by default and you allow more and more stuff, it's you can't really accidentally expose anything because nothing is exposed by default. Which is similar to what, Andre Andre Andre Key are.
Just gonna assume that's how you pronounce it. Just said in the chat as well as, you know, if you really want it super granular, effectively just make it a rule based system, right. Where you run a filter against the error object that is thrown. Like if the error types is XYZ and the extensions contain blah, blah, blah, collections, such and such, then expose it, which will be one way to make that super granular, but also a little harder to configure at that point. Because I could, I mean, at the end of the day, I could also imagine that, you know, for just local development, that is gonna be a pain in the ass because now you have to configure so much stuff to get the errors out.
Speaker 3: I I think we what we could do is just like doing an EMV, variable just for real development case, then that system for the production mode. And later on, if we think it's too difficult or, then we can add the system, with the the permissions because that would make, like, stacks on top of each each other, with the the the the first step would be, like, the programmatic approach on the error throwing and all. And then, the the we could add later on just, instead of just throwing nothing if the error do not doesn't match, any case. Like, is it a permission error? Then is there a plain way to treat it?
So it's made steps, and we have something, in between no permission management and on the other end, full thing.
Speaker 2: What this makes me think of is the we've got a client that we're playing around within a proof of concept. They're they're actually have an error table for their front end, and they've actually got translations. So they've actually got a translations table on that so that they can have the language the errors translated to multiple languages. If we went something like that where we have, like, a direct us errors collection, right, as part of the system tables with a set of, you know, with translation, then we have native translations capabilities right there. So if you wanna adjust the error message, so we could have the defaults.
Right? The I don't know. We've got a dozen or whatever that we have now, with some variable support maybe even there so that if you wanted collection information or you want that stack trace information to percolate up, you could. And you could determine at least in the short term, we can we can avoid the permissions for the short term, give you just control over your error messages. You wanna show something that we don't do natively by default, well, you can override the messaging as a thought.
And I think that would actually help with things like flows as well. We have the same problem in flows. We can't percolate an error message to the user even though we're throwing and controlling the erroring of the of the workflow. Potentially, if we think about it in that context as well where we've got we could use that same error structure
Speaker 1: Mhmm.
Speaker 2: Idea. Not a not necessarily the solution or the right solution, but
Speaker 1: here's the new rabbit hole, multilingual error output for the API. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. I mean, sort of it's an interesting angle to to sort of noodle on a little bit. The the general idea of errors as it stands right now is that you basically return an error code that is one of the standard sort of known error types.
And then in whatever app that you're building, you can basically just say, you know, oh, if the error is not found, then use my own translations and my own front end and all that kind of stuff. But yeah. I mean, it it does raise I mean, we we know we need some sort of translations in the API no matter what for email templating, which has been that'll be a fun discussion for another day. But, yeah, it's it's an interesting idea to have errors as a sort of system collection that you can then modify. Although, we would have to hard code in what the keys are because otherwise, we don't know what error to throw still.
That's a tricky one.
Speaker 2: But we can hard set the keys. Right? And then if you create your own key or we lock the table, you're not allowed to add to it, you know, without core functionality. Or, again, you've got your hard set core pieces. Core knows what they are, and they can't be changed.
Their primary key or whatever we wanna do around that Yeah. Gives us that level of flexibility. But then if users want to code other error messages for other applications and data, they can actually still maintain it in all in one place. I'm not smart enough to solve it. I just I just know that's an implementation I saw recently where we're for a front end application and the error messages that they wanna generate for that front end application.
They're actually doing that in a set of tables. Kinda cool.
Speaker 0: Oh, I think, like, lots of interesting things that we can do, but I think we're still stuck on where do we want to control this or configure this. Let's just go to the one extreme. I mean, very That would be the easiest thing.
Speaker 1: You have
Speaker 0: to And you get errors. Okay. Done. That's the easiest thing that we can do. That leaves a couple of things that we would like to have open.
Right? Like, we ideally, or at least in my mind, it would be really useful if, for example, like, admins actually get no like, good, context rich errors and normal users don't, which would you know, it's not really that possible with that environment variable approach.
Speaker 1: Yeah. So so it feels to me like out of everything that we've discussed so far, the direction where you effectively set up and allow list of errors on the role or soon policy level gives you, so far everything that we sort of want to achieve. Right? Where you can say, okay, you can allow one admin role to just see all of the errors with some sort of wild card flick, accept everything, allow everything. You could use the filter rules to be more granular that you could say, oh, if the error contains a collection, flag, then filter against that.
So So you can you can do sort of the collection by collection, filtering. And, yeah. You you get to choose role by role, so make it admin only or make it make it, a different, you know. So the users can only see the granular errors for a a collection that's already public or something like that.
Speaker 3: The the only problem there, it's for the flows. But, like, what do we do with them?
Speaker 0: Mhmm. Mhmm.
Speaker 3: For flow, that's
Speaker 0: a grant. Like
Speaker 3: Because I I think we could have
Speaker 0: close the
Speaker 3: The same system, like, in the in the settings of the flows. But is it gonna be the same way?
Speaker 1: But we could also say that if you trigger a flow, you are a user or the public role. So therefore, the same settings of your role should still kick in.
Speaker 3: Yeah. Yeah. Because they access the data. So that's good point. But, like, what if you want to, bypass a permission on a specific flow?
Like, then you'll because in some case, may maybe it's the the old data you don't want to access, but just one field you want to show someone?
Speaker 2: As long as the filtering's happening on the API level, that's still all API under you know, flows is still API under the hood. So if you uplift an operation, read CRUD, whatever, this the erroring although, I guess, it's still gonna then it would percolate to that user
Speaker 1: type I think the the the underlying question is what if you want that error to be returned no matter what the settings are in your flow? Because your flow is effectively a custom endpoint or, you know, hook or whatever.
Speaker 2: Yeah. That's what I think flows when you're throwing an error inside flows, that should be its own code. And if you throw a custom message back to that, then you should be able to get that custom message. That's the key thing that I always want. Right?
Or that it the the initially, I thought was, oh, I'm gonna throw an error here and I wanna I wanna send back to the user, you know, you did x y z wrong, you know, or this this isn't allowed because you failed to give me the appropriate information instead of a internal server error, which means nothing. You know, I can't I can't tell the user what they've done wrong or what they're violating that I'm validating inside of my flow. I can't say, mister user, you must have your status in the right thing or, you know, these three fields have to be populated to be able to use this or
Speaker 1: And and that's where the allow list approach for error filtering gets tricky again, because now you need to make sure that you allow list your custom errors from your flow in the policy or in the role, so it makes its way to the app.
Speaker 2: Or I think, again, flows the error code or codes that are returned by flows, that there is a specific code, and you simply take the message that the user's providing out of the out of the, you know, exception. Yeah.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 2: Yeah. Right. And so it's it's a known code. We know what it is. Right?
We know
Speaker 1: Oh, so here's here's another thing we haven't really message. Yeah. Another thing we haven't really touched on in with regards to flows is that, you know, you have a very explicit error handling path that every operation has a okay. If the error fill or if the operation fails, do something else. So maybe there should just be an explicit operation that says return the error, and otherwise it just defaults to, you know, hidden by default, but then it becomes it it no longer is a a permissions or roles thing.
It just becomes a flow thing, where you just very exclusively have to end your flow with return the actual error. And at that point, it's up to the, you know, the admin to configure that flow and and whatever they want to return.
Speaker 2: Love it.
Speaker 3: Me too. Convinced. But
Speaker 1: yeah. Yeah. Okay. Problem solved.
Speaker 3: We would have we would have to to, like, also have a a custom error block, I think, if you if we do that that way.
Speaker 1: Yeah. Yeah. Just an operation that says make a new error, whatever that error is.
Speaker 3: Yeah. And you can pass the a variable or a text or something. Yeah.
Speaker 1: Which is then a funny new completely unrelated question. But if you have a block that says create an error, is the good path the error or is the bad path the error?
Speaker 3: I I think you can you can do this.
Speaker 2: There is no path. You don't get to you don't get to leave. That's the end. You're finished. Termination note.
Speaker 3: I think the I don't I don't know. Like, I think there you called it, like, grade pass and, error pass, but I think in so in some time, like, on the if call, trigger, the error pass is not really an error pass. So
Speaker 1: Right. Yeah.
Speaker 3: That would be sense to be both, really.
Speaker 1: Yeah. So in the create an error operation, both both are the same. It just calls both.
Speaker 3: Yeah. And then
Speaker 1: Now you have oh, woah. Woah. But if it calls both, now you have a way to do parallel split paths because it's now
Speaker 0: a trick.
Speaker 1: That's a discussion
Speaker 2: for the problem.
Speaker 3: I I think that would be nice, but yeah. That would be a lot for that,
Speaker 2: more importantly, I want merge capability. Be able to rejoin back into logic.
Speaker 1: Oh, good lord. Now you have to wait for both to be done and oh, boy. Okay. Let's definitely not get into this.
Speaker 2: We've got we've got very divergent. We have about 9 minutes left, folks.
Speaker 1: Yeah. This this feels like another 6 hour discussion if we go that route.
Speaker 2: It is a very, very long discussion. Flows 2.0. We're already doing some research on that, so figure out what that looks like long term. Okay. Back to API errors.
Do we have an idea of what our must have
Speaker 3: should have?
Speaker 1: Yeah. I think my my current going direction is is basically the on the role level, there is an allow list type configuration that allows you to say there needs to be a wild card that says do everything for def purposes and otherwise you can use the sort of filter structure that we have to say these are the error types that we allow you to see, and these are the and then based on whatever the error contains, you can filter it more granularly if you want to. That's for me closer to a should have than a must have. The error types is really the main the heart must have MVP. Because then because our error objects, they are, you know, they have additional extensions is what I called them right now, which is basically, a not found error can have a collection flag that says this is the collection that was not found.
And therefore, you can use those flags inside of the filter as well to just make it real granular. And then for for flows specific specifically, just to reiterate what we just said, is you wanna have some sort of operation that it it's almost like the end of the line operation that should that sort of allows you to say, okay. This is what we're returning now, in the output. And then that could be that can have a couple of settings like, what is the status? What is the, what is the message?
What's the body? And then that body can be generated using a, sort of create error operation. So I think that would be a nice setup if we have 2 additional operations. 1 to create an error that this custom, but uses the direct as error format and everything else to make it system standard. Therefore, you can use it in things like manual triggers to output an error to the client.
And then we need to have some sort of operation that you can use at the end of your chain to say return the data and then just format it in this in a certain way, to really allow you a lot of control about the request.
Speaker 0: Okay. Rest of energetic typing.
Speaker 3: This is satisfying.
Speaker 1: It was very nice to listen to.
Speaker 3: ASMR.
Speaker 0: Now we switch to the ASMR section of the Can you just show
Speaker 1: this video?
Speaker 0: Everybody quiet. Everybody quiet.
Speaker 1: Oh, no. Oh, no.
Speaker 0: Let's not do this. Okay.
Speaker 1: Alright. This this feels pretty good so far. Did we we I know we we chatted a little bit before we hopped on this session. Did we have any other questions that we prepared for this? I think I think we have for most of it.
Let me pull it off here on the second screen that is off camera. Why are we returning for threes? Went through that. How many lovelies? We kinda figured that one out.
It could be an environment variable, but you kinda just just figure that out. And then business logic existing scripts expected specific error code. Yeah. I mean yeah. I mean, I think we're gonna we've answered all the points that we sort of note note beforehand.
Speaker 3: I I just have and I I know I think someone in the chat is just saying, like, for what about the extensions? But I think for the extensions, we can just have, like, a a JavaScript function with with the same as the one in flows and just like custom chats.
Speaker 1: Yeah. Because we do we we haven't really documented it too properly yet because it's sort of it was a little bit in flux still, but we made that direct as error specage with a function that you can use to make a new sort of, like, error a direct as error that direct as then like, what's the right word? Recognizes as a direct as error that you can then throw to make sure that no d ep and API behave in the same way as the system would so for for custom extensions that should sort of be solved, which is good. Put that direction. Yeah.
With that being said, I think we have a for the first time ever in one of these sessions, we left it off with a pretty clear idea of what we actually wanna do. It's usually, we go way too deep and then have a sort of couple ideas. But
Speaker 0: But it's we're trying. This is my
Speaker 1: No. No.
Speaker 3: I I was going to to say it's just because it's a refurbish version of what we already think of later.
Speaker 1: Yeah. Well, you'd you'd think that about every time we do a feature request review, and it's it's never never the case.
Speaker 3: Like, a 2 years old idea or something. Okay. Maybe Yeah. Not 2 years, but, oh, yeah. It must be.
Like, I I see 2022. So yeah. Kinda.
Speaker 1: How passionate people got in the actual feature request that somebody said. It's like, this is the single worst thing about I hate it so much. My whole month is ruined because Directus' errors are too strict.
Speaker 3: No. But, sir, seriously, like
Speaker 0: I wish. I wish. Yeah. I wish director's errors were the worst thing in directors. Then directors would be very nice.
Speaker 1: Yeah. That's actually a good point. Yeah. Ouch. If this is if this is the worst problem to talk about, then we're doing real well.
Speaker 0: Then we're really golden. We're good and then.
Speaker 1: Alright. Well, we're we're slipping a little bit, but let's call it for now. I wanna say as per use, thanks everybody for watching. This will be going live on direct TV, which is direct. Io/tv.
If you haven't seen it yet, book market sends to your friends, your family, everybody else, Share it on LinkedIn, Twitter, x, whatever you whatever your flavor of the week is. We'll be back in, I think, 2 weeks. Am I saying that right? Uh-oh. Should have prepped this.
Yes. We'll be back in 2 weeks exact, June 6th with another one. Oh, hello. Another one of these party full sessions. But until then, thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time.
Speaker 2: Happy coding.
Speaker 1: Bye. Like and subscribe. Save me from the algorithm.