In this recording of our live event on September 12th 2024, Nils, Jonathan, and Rijk discuss Optionally Delete Unused Files.
Speaker 0: Welcome back, everybody. Welcome to another request review. We have a very special guest here today. Welcome, Niels. He's 7 of our usual host, Daniel of the day.
Jonathan, what are we gonna be talking about?
Speaker 1: Today, we are going to talk about discussion number 17, 853. That is going to be about
Speaker 0: My favorite.
Speaker 1: File deletion and management. So this is primarily around the relational, file deletes. If you delete a file from a record or you delete a file from the file system or from the direct to files library, what are some better options for managing that relational delete. So currently, we do a do not delete on the file. It's kind of the default configuration.
There are some cascading rules and things you can configure in some cases. But because files can be associated with so many different collections and records, this particular request is around, are there some additional options or features that we could add around improving that file management? Right. So that's the that's the general I'll drop a link just in case people didn't get it.
Speaker 0: Yeah. So to kick that out right away, the, the important thing to note here, of course, is that direct to files, you both have this sort of, you know, physical file on disk, and you have a row in direct to files, the system table that contains additional metadata we cannot store on the file itself. Right? So think about, we store information about, the some of the exit data for easier retrieval. We store, things like width and height, file duration for for movies, I think, and audio files.
We have some additional fields, focal points. Yeah. Exactly. Some location text, some optional metadata that's human configurable. And, of course, some information about what direct this user created, updated, and modified it, whatever.
So we have a record in the relational database in the system stuff for for more information. So it also means that when it comes to automatically deleting those files, what we're talking about here is effectively a, you know, sort of cascade delete or a cascade update whenever that relational record is getting destroyed. Right? So from a usual database management perspective, this is a very standard task thing where it's like, okay. The ID of the file gets removed.
I want there any record that uses it to be destroyed as well. Let's do the other way around. Right? The the foreign key gets removed, destroy the file. Now in this feature request, what which way is it going?
Because I believe it's saying that they wanna delete the file when they delete the record where it's used rather than the other way around. Right?
Speaker 1: Yeah. In this case, yes. They've mentioned it both directions or it's mentioned somewhere in here. But if you're deselecting or removing an item from a a record association. Right?
So if you've got something simple like articles with a file associated, one of the option requests discussed here is if I delete or remove the file from here, that the user either automatically deletes the file from the file system, removes it from direct to files, ideally cleans it off the drive. But alternate options were to actually prompt the user for, do you wanna delete the file? And if yes, go ahead. Yeah. Lots of complexities that come with all of that.
Right? Because file the file could be in use by another record. The other big thing with files, because files can be embedded inside of things like WYSIWYSIWYSIWYGs and block editors as relational. Right now, and this isn't this isn't necessarily a direct to specific issue. This is a SQL issue.
Right? Unless you're maintaining dual relationals all over the place with everything related back into the file system or some mechanism to track because files can be associated with any number of collections and be embedded inside of rich text fields. How do we manage or understand those kinds of things as well? So there's a a number of factors, I think, that make this complex. But for now, at least what they're asking for is if I delete the file from the record, automatically delete the file or prompt the user, with an option to keep or delete the file.
Speaker 0: So it's an interesting one there because the so so both those points, the first one to your point, this is this is a problem that has been as old as any sort of content management system on the planet is if you have a link to a file in a piece of text, is that a relational record? No. Is that a relationship in a database you can easily track? Also, no. So now on file delete, are you gonna be scanning through all of those blobs of text all over the place to sort of pseudo find relationships that is hella inefficient?
Right? So how do you deal with that? That's that's a good one. The second one that is interesting is that this is kind of the going the wrong way, so to speak, if you compare it to how regular relationships work in a database. Right?
So usually, when you say when you do a cascade delete, it would be the moment you delete the file, you delete all of the rows where it has been used in a foreign key. Am I saying that right? Or am I making this up? I was getting too confused, to be honest.
Speaker 1: I think it goes the other way because the foreign key, at least in that case, like in my article case, the foreign key reference is actually here on this record. So we actually store the foreign key. So I believe the cascade is actually going the other way. So if I delete it from here and I tell it to cascade, it should cascade and delete the file. And I believe that actually does.
So we can actually double check the settings, article because
Speaker 0: we do some article in both ways in direct as I was just trying to remember if I wrote like myself which way the default is.
Speaker 1: So the relationship in this case is directional from direct as follows. Right?
Speaker 0: It was the rate that I said. It's like the moment you delete the file, you get to choose what you wanna do, with the forward key field. Right? Do you wanna nullify it, or do you wanna destroy the whole row that uses that forwarding key? So so that's why I meant with sort of like the feature request going the opposite way.
Right? Because by a database and default, you're saying, okay, the moment you delete the file, delete everything where the file is used. But it feels like this feature request is going the other way. Right? They're saying the moment I deselect the file from a gallery post or something, I also want to trigger a deletion of the related file.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 0: Yes. Key.
Speaker 1: So now you're actually you are actually correct. It does go the other way. So if you delete the file, it's actually cleaning up the foreign key, right, is what we're technically do. Yep. My mistake.
Speaker 0: So this and this is welcome back to the beauty of request review. If you haven't been here before, we always like to diverge as much as we can before we come back down to the notes at the top of the hour. The immediate question to me here becomes, is this a file specific thing, or is this just a directed data thing? Right? Is this something that you should be able to set up for everything where you're like, okay.
The moment I I delete this record or deselect this relationship, I wanna be able to remove the thing on the other end. Is that a thing that we just wanna support as a more generic option or is this something that is inherently specific to files? Because it kinda sounds like that this is that this person was mentioning files just because that's the use case for this particular person and this website that they're building. But I could see this as be a relationship thing. Yep.
Speaker 2: At least implementation wise, it's like equal, I would say. There should be no diff like, no technical difficulties to make it more advanced in a sense or more capable.
Speaker 1: Yeah. No. I actually like that. I I think, especially as we move towards, you know, our our our future concepts of we want to support non sequel kinds of things. This means, to some degree, direct us needs to understand where things are being used and keep track of that so that otherwise, we can end up with a, you know, an even bigger mess.
Right? Sync beyond files to records to data and content. I don't I've been trying to think about this because this comes up quite a bit. There's there's also things like one of the things that I've seen a number of times recently is, can I tell what the file is associated? Can it can can you show me what else you know, where is this file being used?
Right? So that comes back to in particular, this is problematic for things like where it's embedded as a text, you know, inside of a rich text. My brain goes, how do we we would have to, in some way, keep track of the relationals as part of Directus. Because I did some searches on, like, SQL databases. How can you do this in c e?
Speaker 0: It's not really you you would have to pull up what are all of the foreign key constraints that go back to this table and then go search through all of those tables to find foreign keys with the ID, I guess. That's really the only way to do it.
Speaker 1: Yeah. It is. And you can do some view things. You can do but you have to you know, it's it's complex. It's not something that's just simple to say, where is this?
But if Directus in some way was actually keeping track in some way of, you know, think of some kind of an indexing or a mechanism of keeping track that when it gets associated, we track that it got associated in some way. Right? Call it a table. Call it a
Speaker 0: The the difficulty there, of course, is that data could be live updating through all sorts of sources that's not direct us. So how do we keep that index up to date? Or is that something that we have to periodically re scrape to regenerate, which sounds tricky, or tricky to keep that, you know, consistent. Keep that keep that data integrity alive. This is also a feature request that immediately reminds me of be because of this connection, it reminds me of the one around, how do we warn people, about where stuff is used when you delete it?
Because right now, you can set up the form keys to nullify a file, but if somebody deletes a file, they might not know where they're gonna be nullifying things automatically. Right? It's a very similar, where is this being used question except during delete.
Speaker 1: Yep. And that's the that's the common request is I you know, at least I would like to know where this, you know, where this thing is where all this thing is being used. You know, what what all is it associated with in that sense
Speaker 2: Yeah.
Speaker 1: For tracking it down? Because if I yeah. You know, I wanna understand the impacts of me deleting a file or me deleting a record, what are the Right. Relational impacts?
Speaker 0: Now looking up all those foreign keys is a pretty heavy thing. But in Directus, we do store that relational information already. So we should have the ability to say what are the relationships that have this collection in it, and then do a sort of aggregate search that says, okay. What is the count of items that have a foreign key to this item? Which should be a relatively e like, not easy, but a cheap operation to do rather.
I mean, it depends on table size. There's always an asterisk, but we could, you know, do a what's the kind of items that are using the current primary key as a foreign key in the, related tables and then present that as well, right, where we say, okay. We know, this collection is being used in well, in this example's case, direct this files is being used in, photo albums. And therefore, we can say, when you delete this file, you're gonna set it to null in these in 3 different photo album records. Right?
Is this something you wanna do? Yes or no? So at least be a little bit more helpful about that.
Speaker 2: Yeah. I really like the idea of, like, having a Oh, sorry.
Speaker 0: Oh, no. Go ahead. Go ahead, please, dude.
Speaker 2: Yeah. I really like the idea of having, like, a graph view. Like, just in general, that would show you, okay, this would be deleted. This would be, like, nullified. This would be this this in-depth, that happened with on a delete.
And, like, the data is already there in the API in the app. We just have to then visualize it with, like, a graph view or a list of things that get deleted, a list of things that get nullified. We aren't we kinda doing something with creating when creating, for example, relational stuff, we already say what we create. Like, do you know this yellow text list that we have on the data data model creation? We can just do the same for the deletion process, basically.
If you delete an item, go through the whole schema of relations and see what links to what, and that's basically just recursively checking against each nested collection. And the fancy part then would be how to visualize this. And in in terms of, like, do we run it in a list? Do we run it in a fancy graph where it's like, this collection links to that collection, and this field in that collection would then delete another collection or something like that? Or would we just run it as a list very stupidly?
Speaker 0: And to make that one slightly more complicated, what do you do if there is user input required? So, for example, if the default cascade is make it null, but the field is not nullable, then what? Right? Are we gonna Then
Speaker 2: you get an escape.
Speaker 0: Are we gonna tell them you cannot delete it because it's in use, Or are we gonna tell them, what do you wanna do with the 5 places where you're using this? You wanna replace it with something else? And is that something we wanna do in line? Or is it enough if we sell if we just say you cannot delete it right now, go fix the other stuff first? Like, which is also, you know, a flow that would be enough.
I don't know if it's as useful.
Speaker 1: Yeah. I think at least indicated that it exists somewhere and then saying, go clean it up before you can actually delete the file. That seems okay. You could give the option to say nullify where I'm at or place with something else where I'm at. Interesting.
Speaker 2: I'm I'm also wondering, is it is it is it not really, like, configuration error if you set the relation to nullify something that can't be null? That sounds like somebody has messed up things in that case, which we should also protect people from doing. But
Speaker 0: Fair enough. Yeah. That that is that is fair. But the the default behavior for foreign key like that is to prevent the deletion, I think. So even if you don't set it to set nil, but you just leave it at the default, which is prevent the deletion, it'll just throw an error.
Because I throw right now, we don't throw a SQL error that says I cannot delete form keeps Yeah.
Speaker 2: Exactly. And then we should probably even, like, protect when setting up the relations that you shouldn't be able to set it to nullify something it can't be nullified to.
Speaker 0: Yeah. But I think it's all the settings. Even the the mistake setup and the the default case. There's a case to be made that we wanna have some sort of user input moment in during the delete that says, okay. We're gonna be either nullifying if that's the setting, or we're gonna try to nullify if that's the setting, across 15 items in your your 12 collections.
Or if it is a, prevent the deletion, the question could be, do you wanna replace where this is used with something else before you can delete it? Right? That would be a pretty helpful thing. I know we're getting a bit of trend for this particular feature request, but these are all kind of part of the bigger part of the same, sort of questions and user stories.
Speaker 1: Agreed. And, again, I think he's got he's got some of those cases covered. They they've got some of those cases covered here. Right? So they know to delete the file, keep the file, prompt the user.
I must
Speaker 0: delete it
Speaker 1: in the collection.
Speaker 0: Well, to to get it back on track for this particular feature request though Yeah. Because the what we just described is, you know, if you wanna follow just a regular foreign key constraint, and we wanna inform the user of what's about to happen, that's part 1. We wanna allow them to take some action if they have to make some changes for it to go through. But then the third one, and that's the new thing in this feature, requested the question, do we wanna do it the other way around as well? Where unlike in a database, we allow a secondary foreign key constraint type of thing where we say, if you delete the the the record that holds the foreign key, delete the related thing.
And that then has a sort of recursive compound effect where it's like, do we now show any other foreign keys that might exist on the thing that you're deleting through the foreign key that you just deleted? What?
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 0: I think that's probably one of the reasons why, you know, databases don't sort of recursive, like, have that way of doing it both ways because that really feels like, you know, you're you're quickly ending in a in a in a sort of infinite loop type of deal.
Speaker 1: Yeah. And that might be where maybe you don't show them that. You just simply know that is still being so if they choose, say, the delete option to say, you know, I do wanna delete the file, or the the record in this case, then you could provide an indication that there are existing relationships. Are you really sure? And then it'll affect those other you know, it will affect other things, you know, and number of other things or just the fact that it exists, that it is actually related to other active items.
So instead of and not try to show them what all because that could be a large number of things. I don't know that you'd want to try and show that in a dialogue box, but you could show this is related to any number of other things or this is related to other things. And therefore, you know, this could have catastrophic effects. Yes or no? And maybe even making an option that, you know, a toggle config flag or something on the settings of that says, if this is still related to other things, then they're not allowed to do that from a permissioning standpoint kind of thing.
Then, you know, the option is, no, you can't delete this because this is related to other things. Go to the source record and clean it up and do whatever. Right? The whatever workflow. So I think you can go that route, maybe.
Speaker 2: On another note, I'm also wondering if we should that it's it goes in a similar direction, but, like, protecting the users from making mistakes, would be like a feature where you have a protected collection, that basically says, okay, you have to, for example, enter the, the name or ID or some type of validation before you can actually delete the, the item in the collection. For example, if you're managing users and you don't want to mess up have, your managers mess up the user's collection because that could be catastrophic or something similar, where they would have to then, for example, enter something. And that would also tie into this, like, what happens on the delete part where it's like, okay. This collection is related to other collection that is protected, and we should also, in this collection, mind you that you're deleting something from another collection that is protected. Right?
Speaker 0: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. This old man now this makes me think from a technical perspective.
We're gonna dive a little deep here. But from a technical perspective, this makes me wonder right now, We rely on the database foreign key constraints for all this. Right? That we say, okay. You said it's a set null.
That is literally a database foreign key index with a cascade set null. Right? Yeah. But that also means that from a Directus perspective, we're not triggering any logic or hooks or or anything necessarily on the Directus side for those nested deletes because we're just relying on the database to do it. Right?
Which is a technically performant way, but at the same time, that does raise newer questions around, you know, if you have a flow that handles something on file, delete to clean something up. Right? And that file gets deleted through. Well, I guess a file is actually a bad example, ironically enough, because it's on the disk and not on the database. But if you have a flow that cleans up something, on a database change, but it is changed directly from a foreign key constraint that changes it.
We're not triggering it as an event. Right?
Speaker 2: Yeah. I think that was also one of the problems a lot of people had with working with flows that it wasn't, like, cascading these, like, deviate events to, to flows, basically, I think, which would also solve that problem in a sense, I think. Although, I don't remember exactly what the problem there was in detail because it's quite a long time ago, which where I had read through these issues. But I do still like the idea of, like, this this type of protected collection. I I do think that could I'm not sure.
I haven't seen many press on that idea, but I do think it could be a nice enhancement just from on the side of, like, making sure you don't do anything. But, I mean, aren't we doing something sim I guess, no. We're not. But, for example, on the director's collection, you could technically delete those from the app. Right?
But we somehow oh, oh, at least Yeah. No. In a sense, we also do some sort of protection there because, like, yeah, sure. You can do that technically, but you really shouldn't.
Speaker 0: No. No. I'm pretty sure we're we're preventing any any direct to stable modification from the product itself. Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, you can add custom fields and remove those, but you cannot mess with the the system ones, which I think is a separate feature request, actually, funnily enough. I don't know if we we I forgot if we did one of those, an episode of one of those, but there's a feature request to be able to update, you know, the locked system fields because some people are rightfully so saying, I don't use a description field on files. Can I just delete it? And I'm like, no. Right.
Not at the moment.
Speaker 1: Well, I think it was that was actually a permissioning thing. They wanted to be able to not show it. Right? Be able to deselect that as a visible option to the user.
Speaker 0: That should be fine.
Speaker 1: So that there there were some key things there. That was actually related to the permissioning. I remember that one because that was I was like, oh, you can't. Different description. There
Speaker 2: are there
Speaker 1: are things that you can't remove from the user view. Right? So, again, we do lock the fields, and I think we should we should allow it to have these. But on the access policy side for that particular one, it was, you know, if I'm in the content manager policy here that
Speaker 0: called app access permission set has you can see your own user, but then that c includes some of those system fields that you may or may not care about. That's Yep.
Speaker 1: Yep. Yep. So that was all related to this of, you know, if I'm in my directest users on the permissioning side of the app and those kinds of things in the read permissions here. Yeah. Custom coming down into the field permission, I can't deselect.
So if I don't want to show, you know, the location of the title or the description, because we're not using them or whatever. There's only certain things you can deselect from the key fields.
Speaker 0: So Yeah. No. That makes sense. That makes sense. That was a little bit.
Speaker 2: Let's not get I
Speaker 0: I recognize how bug big of his detour this is from what we're talking about. But
Speaker 1: I guess the other thing that would be nice, the the one thing that our our locks currently prevent is, like, reordering the fields. Right? So, like, we stick the roll and some of the configuration details at the very bottom. Well, what if I wanted to roll up at the top in the item form to see it Yeah. In in a certain way?
Speaker 0: I think our founders sells the topic for the next one of these.
Speaker 1: Yeah. Sometimes. But back to file delete. What was I taking notes on? Larger configuration.
Speaker 0: Now here's another very real question. I know there's, of course, enough upvotes for us to warn discussing this, but there's also a very real question of, is this something we want? Like, the whole flow of warning people for a cascade delete and doing it one way as per the database the way we do it now. Sure. That that feels like an obvious one.
That that part, obvious to me. But this one is interesting where it's like I deselect a file from a relationship. Do I wanna be able to delete the file, or is that confusing?
Speaker 1: For content user for the user experience, yes, I would like that option because the user doesn't want to the the user workflow wouldn't necessarily be I now have to go to the direct to file library, find that file. Once again, how do I find the file? Do I remember the file name? Do I do those things? How do I go and find and now delete that file?
That I think is the the key thing from a content editors perspective. Yes or no?
Speaker 2: Yeah. I'm I'm thinking about 80, 20
Speaker 1: here we have to think about, but from a content editors experience, right, we find it we all find it very annoying if I have to go do 3 more steps to go delete something. Right? If I have to go now, remember to go back to the file library, go search and find the file, and then delete the file, only to find out that the file can't be deleted because it is being used. Or Right. Accidentally now not know that deleting the file has now removed it from some place that I didn't know about or didn't even have access to.
That's the other permissioning adds another level of complexity to this. Right? So my ability to delete that file, well, it might be in use somewhere else. And that's another reason I think we shouldn't show the items or try to show items necessarily because they may not have access or permissions to where that file is being used. Mhmm.
And so you get back to the concept of, well, how do I, you know, how do we deal with that? What do we what do we allow or not allow? I think it's a nice workflow, because commonly, right, it's not so much that we're I I think in most of these kind this this particular use case. Right? The file is only being used in the record that it was uploaded for, you know, you know, it's a gallery.
It's something that they're doing in the, you know, the content users adding that for that specific thing. And then when they're done, they just want it cleaned up. We don't wanna have gigabytes of files laying around in our file storage and in our file systems that we're not using. Mhmm. Two questions.
Just a thought.
Speaker 0: One one thought. Two questions. One technical interesting difficulty is nested relational staged changes. As in, if I'm on an item where the file field is required and I choose to delete the file instead of deselect, is that file immediately deleted, or is that file only deleted the moment I hit save on the parent that I'm clicking the delete on? I think that is that is a question.
And that is mostly around if you're in content versioning, for example. Right? And you make a new version of an existing thing and it uses the same file. If I click delete the file in the version, I now destroy the published one. You know what I mean?
So that file should only be deleted the moment I publish the staged versions item. I think that's an interesting interesting little problem. But then how is that presented in the UI? Because if you have marked the file as deleted and then you select a different one, do we keep that as a state? Do we show a little indicator that you have 5 things scheduled to be deleted?
Or how does that work? I think that's a difficult question. And then
Speaker 1: That's how we're doing it. So that's how we do it today. Right? So we do show that indicator. Right?
So if you go to I have that will work for that. On most of our relational kinds of things, some of the relational interfaces, we do indicate that you are deleting and adding. Right? So we're removing this. Right?
We have that indicator there. We don't actually delete until you commit the record. Right? We don't actually propagate any of the changes until we
Speaker 0: I'm I'm supposed to think of it right in a in a file picker, a deselect and a and a delete is very similar. You deselect with the intent to select a different one. Right? But if I deleted with the intent of selecting a different one, now I'm effectively presented with 2 changes that I made. We don't really have a UI pattern for that, yet, which is something what was it to think about when I left the ad.
It's just like a regular drop down. It's all the same same problem. The second thing that popped to mind, and this is a bit of a bigger just think out loud type of thing, would it make more sense for a use case like this to make your own custom direct these files collection where there is no relationship to direct to files. There's a relationship just directly to the file. So you would have to store some of the required fields for that to work, like where is it on disk, what disk is it on.
Is that a thing? Because technically speaking for direct test files, the only required columns to turn that into file management would be what adapter is this on and what is the the file path to find it. Everything else is is metadata that we use to enrich the platform, but not necessarily required to do file management.
Speaker 1: Good. Then you've got to handle I mean, again, some of the key issues that we run into, right, with how does the file when and where does the file get uploaded? How is that managed? Or are you assuming that the file exists on that file system? Right?
The the file interfaces do a whole lot of or the APIs. Right? The direct to these APIs do a whole lot of things for you. And we've, you know, some of those new enhancements around file streaming and restarting where you left off. And, you know, these capabilities, when you're dealing with files, it gets, you know, there's a lot of complexity there.
And I don't think a lot of folks are gonna want to take that on as a I when I wanted to manage a custom extension that's doing these things for me or, you know, replicating the capabilities of the direct to SAP application. Flows is an option. Right? So that is something that there's actually a link. Someone else put a link in here on how they kind of configured a flow to do some of this.
Speaker 0: Right. Right.
Speaker 1: Down here. So this thread here, there's actually an example of a flow. Right? So we do have on hook. You can action based on file upload, based on item update, create, delete.
So you can apply whatever custom logic. I think the main issue there is you don't get a user prompt per se in those cases.
Speaker 2: I have I have another probably probably a bit of side of like, side topic idea. That like, not not side topic, but, what is it called? Going outside of the the main road. We could have something like reference counted tiles where it's like, okay. This file exists as long as there are any uses of it.
And when there are no uses of it anymore, it automatically gets deleted, which then we could also look into something where it's like, okay. If I upload the same image twice, we do, like, a hash of the image to compare if we already have that file somewhere, and some fancy fancy things, which in the end should just make it easier to manage all these files. Like, with 500 people uploading separate files, you get the files collection in, like, a giant amount of people having stuff there. And, like, a reference counter thing could just make it a lot easier to manage all these different file or, like, deduplicate files and get rid of, like, unused ones because that's a thing I've run into even by just myself using directors.
Speaker 1: Mhmm. Yeah. When you don't have direct file store access, which many times in SAS slash cloud slash whatever.
Speaker 0: Very interesting to start. So my brain is immediately in 12 places with that comment.
Speaker 2: But it's the
Speaker 0: an additional piece of functionality around relational data files and otherwise is the show me where the stuff that is not used anywhere.
Speaker 2: I think it's a very Yeah. That's a good point. Yeah.
Speaker 0: Right. And this is something on on a layout level where it's like, okay, filter down by stuff that is not used anywhere else, which is, it does make me think of a comment that was on the chat a little earlier from our our own team that was like, hey. I'm already looking forward to the technical complexity of tracking references within text and JSON blobs in a barrel. Right? Which is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, pretty true.
Speaker 2: Yeah. And in that case, it definitely has to be restrained to things that, again, we can, like, check where it's, like, on JSON blobs or, like, repeat us. That will be very, very difficult and probably not feasible. But at least we, like, at least at least we make the option to if you want to have a feature like reference counted files, then there is a way to have it easily and without any manual labor, basically. You could still do a repeater, but then you won't have the fancy it's basically like the idea of a repeater.
A repeater, you can slap on really quickly to have just any list of data, but it's nothing fancy. You can't fancy query that. I mean, now you can, but a long time
Speaker 0: you couldn't.
Speaker 1: Alright. Are we approaching a what do we think is actually achievable? What we would actually like it to do?
Speaker 0: Oh, what do you want? I love it. I'm I'm still a little bit in two minds of this whole going doing doing for keeping strange whole place. And and the main reason there is because it kinda strays away from the database as the source of truth for this stuff, which could be a good thing because it unlocks other things, but it's quite a big breaking change in how we handle relationships just in general. Right?
Because right now, foreign keys and direct relations are 1 to 1 the exact same. And we're reaching a point now with this where we're saying, well, we'll use foreign key constraints on the database for performance reasons because they're they're indexed, but we will not rely on them for this sort of behavior on foreign key changes. So, like, for things like, I wanna delete the related thing when I deselect the current thing, that is not a database thing anymore. That's the directest thing. We're just fine.
It's just a little bigger change.
Speaker 2: Or not, don't we have to anyways implement it in the future on the server side and not the database side on these constraints? Because when no supporting relations between databases, we can't have that anymore anyways. So we
Speaker 0: Great.
Speaker 2: Have to implement it ourselves anyway. So it's just on the road anyway. Yeah. Just a thing you have to pick up and then do, which is not as easy as it sounds. But Mhmm.
Speaker 0: So with that in mind, I think some of the stuff that we talked about around, you know, warning and informing the user when a form key constraint is about to delete a bunch of stuff or set null to a bunch of stuff. I think that's an obvious thing. Definitely, it's something we wanna have. That would be a big quality of life improvement. I think doing the relationship the other way around, I think if something happened, it'd probably be a longer term thing just because it is a very big breaking change and how we handle relationships today that I wanna do a bit carefully and just more more planned out.
The whole idea around custom tables for direct to files, I'm not feeling that one. I think that was a oh, you know, a bit of a brain fart. Just thinking that wrong. That's what these specials are for, but it doesn't feel like the right move right here. Because of all the the system logic that's going on under the hood, we we have to keep that in in control.
What else was on the was Jonathan? You've been taking notes furiously. What am I missing?
Speaker 1: I'm trying to keep up some of the workflow options, relationship existence, tracking kind of graph style or being able to understand the that was one thing that Nils mentioned just from a UX perspective. I think that's that almost feels more like the admin side and the data model having ERD style visibility and understanding that, oh, there is a relationship to files from x number of collections and being aware of those things. Taking it away from, you know, embedded inside of rich text or repeaters or weird things, but just the actual ERD, the understanding the graph of what is actually related to my content. From an admin perspective, that would be useful. I do really like the idea of at least understanding files is one of the most common things that I see around this, but we can also think, I was talking to Alex and, Antonio on our team this morning.
They mentioned that, you know, many to any is another one that has this kind of weird thing where there's not an actual relationship. We do manage that in app. It applies to many to any though in the sense of I can go delete a component that might actually be in use somewhere and you don't get a warning of, hey, this is, you know, you you're you're impacting other things, or impacting something.
Speaker 0: Deleting it from the relationship. You're not deleting the related item as of today rather. Like, that would be a similar to your point though. That's a similar thing with this feature request where if we add delete as a proper delete the related thing, then you're in a whole new world of how do you display that and how does that work? Does that happen to you sync or do the hood or yeah.
Speaker 1: And I think a lot of this is probably considerations that need to be handled as part of, you know, the new abstraction layers and things where, as Nils mentioned. Right? Longer term, this is not going to you know, as we move to data federation next year, we're gonna need to be able to handle these things as Directus. Right? Understanding that now it's not just it's data in 2 different databases, right, that we've created a virtual relation for.
We need to understand and track, I think, against I I think as you've said, isn't just a files thing. This really becomes a more kind of global direct us handling logic around how content can be connected to one another. Right? I'll take relationship out. It's just it's connected.
It's there's there's some form of tracking that needs to be maintained. And I think as as you said, one of the problems that we have today is, well, if someone's doing stuff direct sequel, you know, we try to support all of that and make sure that we're aware of that. But I think as we move towards, you know, as you move towards something like this, well, if you choose to create or do things under the hood, you may not get them. It's the same thing that we do with activity and revision logging. You're not gonna get that.
If you're doing something outside of the APIs, you don't get those benefits that exist within the Directus application. Now it could be that there's ways to crawl and find that they've done something and add that or indicate that there's something that then needs to be configured. But I think as we move towards Directus doing some of this logic in the abstraction layers, it's going to require that we handle these use cases in a in a comprehensive way.
Speaker 0: Mhmm. Cool. Well, I think that probably concludes our our little discussion here around feature request 17 853. Any other last closing thoughts here, Neil's, Jonathan? Nope.
Awesome. Well, cool. Well, thanks everybody for tuning in. As per usual, this will be up on direct us that a o slash TV. I hope you tune in next time about something else.
Interesting, I'm sure. But until then, thank you for watching. Like and subscribe.
Speaker 1: Subscribe. Thanks, team. Get in. Cheers.