In this episode, John and Pedro answer questions about how we manage state inside of Directus, adding languages, and realtime support.
Speaker 0: Hey, everyone. Welcome to another episode of Q and A with P&J. I'm John.
Speaker 1: And I'm Pedro. Now let's dive into some questions we've received from the community. John, why don't you kick it off?
Speaker 0: Sure thing. Alright. The first question that we have this week is, do you have maintenance windows? And if so, how often?
Speaker 1: So thanks to the fact that we do rolling upgrades during our normal updates, you know, we don't experience any kind of downtime. During major updates or infrastructure changes, there may be a small maintenance window, but those are always communicated with you ahead of time and, it usually it's very brief and it won't take down your project. It will only impact your ability to log in for a brief time.
Speaker 0: Alright. Let's move on to the next question, Pedro.
Speaker 1: Alright. Does Directus use server side state management or stateless for custom extensions?
Speaker 0: Great question. There's no built in state management, so it is stateless by default. That being said, your custom extensions do have access to the database, so that's a great place to store stateful information. Awesome. That's a good question.
Speaker 1: Cool.
Speaker 0: Onto the next. So I guess that'll be me. Yes. One of our users on GitHub, j a a d s, I'm gonna call you Jad because that's kinda rad. Jad's rad.
I see 7 languages enabled in my direct us right now. Is there a way to add more languages?
Speaker 1: Yeah. So, currently, we support 58 languages, but we can add any language via Crowdin. So the full list can be found, at the link on the screen. And as you can see in this video, it's very easy to add to your environment.
Speaker 0: Awesome. Hey, everyone. John here with a quick interruption. When we record these things originally, we don't have a script. So sometimes we have to come back with a little bit of a clarification.
But, I wanted to be clear around translations. There's the app translations, and that's when we were discussing 58 languages used to get CrowdIn. That's one way that the app handles translations, but then there's also the translations of the content. So, that also you can add any number of translations to that as well, but I wanted to make sure what we were discussing was the app being translated itself. And then what we were showing in the video was actually translating the content.
So just a quick little clarification there. We'll get right back to the video. Thanks. Alright, Pedro. What is the next question?
Speaker 1: Alright. So the next question, a member of our GitHub community asked, is there a way to currently get real time subscription updates in Directus, whether it's via the JavaScript SDK or GraphQL? And if there isn't, are there any other external tools I can use?
Speaker 0: Well, our CTO, Wrike, himself answered this in GitHub, but the the answer is not currently, not to get those real time subscriptions, but we do have WebSockets launching very soon. You will be able to get those real time subscriptions. As you can see here, one of our engineers, BrainSlug, has actually been testing it out internally. Here's a really cool small feature, a chat feature that he's been testing around, but you can see here the the live real time subscriptions in action. Like Discord or GitHub or leave a comment here in YouTube.
Again, we'll be taking questions from these comments to answer in further episodes. Thanks again. Have a great day.