Directus Auth is super powerful, and we want you to better understand it. Through easy-to-follow guides, you will learn about all things authentication, authorization, and access control. We'll cover both concepts and real-world applications as we cover topics like tokens, policies, and single sign-on.
Play Latest EpisodeAuthentication happens many times a day without us even realizing. In this walk down Authentication Avenue, Kevin answers "What does authentication mean?"
It's not just enough to give someone access, but sometimes you need to say what they can do. In this stroll down Authentication Avenue, Kevin answers "What is access control?"
You can't have access forever. In this skip down Authentication Avenue, Kevin answers "Why do tokens expire?" and shows you how to get new ones.
Sometimes you need to give out a master key that never changes. In this jog down Authentication Avenue, Kevin answers "What are static tokens?".
No, not those kind of cookies! In this comfortable sit on a bench at the end of Authentication Avenue, Kevin answers "What are cookies?" and shows you how to get them.