Getting Started Tutorials

Set Up Live Preview with Nuxt

Learn how to create a Nuxt preview plugin to configure Live Preview.

Directus' Live Preview feature allows you to show changes in your website collection before publishing and without the need to refresh the browser.

By adding a preview URL and setting up your Nuxt 3 application, you can instantly see live changes made to your collection inside of Directus. This is useful when using Directus as a Headless CMS.

Before You Start

You will need:

  • A Directus project. The easiest way to get started with Directus is with our managed Directus Cloud service. You can also self-host Directus.
  • A Nuxt 3 application.
  • Some knowledge of Vue and Nuxt.

If you're just getting started with Nuxt and Directus, reference our guide to set up Nuxt 3 with Directus by creating a custom plugin. This guide assumes you have already set up the plugin and have access to this.$directus, this.$readItem and this.$readItems in your project.

In your Directus project, create a new posts collection. Add title and content fields to your collection. Create an item in the new collection, and make sure the Public role has Read access to the collection.

Set Up Nuxt

Create an index.vue file to load all of the items in the posts collection:

        <li v-for="post in posts" :key="">
            <NuxtLink :href="`/${post.slug}`">
                <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>

<script setup>
const { $directus, $readItems } = useNuxtApp()

const posts = await useAsyncData('posts', () => {
  return $directus.request($readItems('posts'))

Create a [id].vue file that will load for single items in the collection:

    <NuxtLink to="/">Home</NuxtLink>
    <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    <div v-html="post.content"></div>

<script setup>
const { $directus, $readItem } = useNuxtApp();
const route = useRoute();

const post = await useAsyncData('post', () => {
  return $directus.request($readItem('posts',

if (!post.value) throw createError({
  statusCode: 404,
  statusMessage: 'Post Not Found'

Configure Live Preview URL in Directus

Navigate to Settings -> Data Model and select the posts collection. In the "Preview URL" section, specify the Preview URL for your Nuxt project by selecting ID from the dropdown and entering a URL in this format: http://your-website-url/ID?preview=true

Data Studio configuration for Posts collection. The Preview URL is filled in with the dynamic ID and preview true query parameter.

Set Up Preview Plugin

Nuxt 2 had a Preview mode feature, but it has not yet been included in Nuxt 3. A preview mode plugin for Nuxt 3 can be created using this snippet from GitHub user JonathanDoelan.

Create a plugins/preview.js file:

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
    const route = useRoute();
    const preview = route.query.preview && route.query.preview === 'true';

    if (preview) {
        nuxtApp.hook('page:finish', () => {

    return { provide: { preview } };

This plugin checks for the use of a preview=true URL parameter. If present, it waits for the page to finish loading and re-fetches all data dynamically, even if the page is statically-built.

Fetch Post Data With The $preview Helper

In [id].vue, access the new $preview helper and re-fetch data if $preview is true:

<script setup>
const { $directus, $readItem } = useNuxtApp(); const { $directus, $readItem, $preview } = useNuxtApp(); const route = useRoute();

if ($preview) {   const post = await useAsyncData('post', () => {     return $directus.request($readItem('posts',   }); } 
const post = await useAsyncData('post', () => {
  return $directus.request($readItem('posts',

if (!post.value) throw createError({
  statusCode: 404,
  statusMessage: 'Post Not Found'

Preview Content in Directus

In an item page, toggle "Enable Preview" at the top of the page. Whenever you create or edit an item in your collection and “click” save, you should see a live preview of the item on the right-hand side of the screen.

Clicking on the "Dimensions Display" icon also lets you preview your content on desktop and mobile screens.

Next Steps

Through this guide, you have successfully set up the live preview feature in Directus for your Nuxt 3 project.

Share the preview URL with your team members, stakeholders, or clients to allow them to see how content changes would look.