Self Hosting

Including Extensions

Learn how to include extensions in your self-hosted Directus project.

All Directus projects can include extensions via the Directus Marketplace. Self-hosted projects can also install extensions directly from npm or by dropping extensions directly into the extensions directory mounted in your project.

Directus Marketplace

By default, App extensions and API using our Sandbox SDK are available from the Marketplace in all Directus projects. If you want to install API extensions that are not sandboxed, you can change the value of the MARKETPLACE_TRUST variable.

npm Packages

To install extensions, you will need to build a custom image of Directus.

1. Modify Docker Compose File

If you are using a docker-compose.yml file, delete the image property and add a build section:

  context: ./

2. Create a Dockerfile

At the root of your project, create a file called Dockerfile, if one doesn't already exist, and add the following:

FROM directus/directus:latest

USER root
RUN corepack enable
USER node

RUN pnpm install @directus-labs/spreadsheet-layout

This is an example Dockerfile that installs the Spreadsheet Layout via npm. You can change the RUN pnpm install line to install any extension published on npm, and add multiple lines for each extension you want to install.

3. Build Docker Image

Build your Docker image by running docker compose build and then run docker compose up as normal to start the container.

Directly Including Extensions

To locally install extensions, copy the files generated by building an extension into the extensions directory. By default, this is located at the root of your Directus project, but this can be changed using the EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable.

1. Mount Extensions Directory

At the root of your project, next to your docker-compose.yml file, create a new directory called extensions. Then, in your docker-compose.yml file, add the directory as a volume to the directus service section:

      - ./extensions:/directus/extensions

2. Add Extensions

Inside of the extensions directory, create a new directory for each extension you want to install. Then, copy the files generated by building an extension into the directory.


At the very least you should have a package.json file and a dist directory with one or more files inside of it.

When you restart your Docker container, Directus will automatically load any extensions you have included in the directory.