Filter Rules
Filters are used in permissions, validations, and automations, as well as throughout the APIs and in extensions. All filters use standard syntax and operators which are described on this page.
Available Operators
Operator | Description |
_eq | Equals |
_neq | Doesn't equal |
_lt | Less than |
_lte | Less than or equal to |
_gt | Greater than |
_gte | Greater than or equal to |
_in | Is one of |
_nin | Is not one of |
_null | Is null |
_nnull | Isn't null |
_contains | Contains |
_icontains | Contains (case-insensitive) |
_ncontains | Doesn't contain |
_starts_with | Starts with |
_istarts_with | Starts with (case-insensitive) |
_nstarts_with | Doesn't start with |
_nistarts_with | Doesn't start with (case-insensitive) |
_ends_with | Ends with |
_iends_with | Ends with (case-insensitive) |
_nends_with | Doesn't end with |
_niends_with | Doesn't end with (case-insensitive) |
_between | Is between two values (inclusive) |
_nbetween | Is not between two values (inclusive) |
_empty | Is empty (null or falsy) |
_nempty | Isn't empty (null or falsy) |
_intersects 1 | Intersects a point |
_nintersects 1 | Doesn't intersect a point |
_intersects_bbox 1 | Intersects a bounding box |
_nintersects_bbox 1 | Doesn't intersect a bounding box |
_regex 2 | Regular expression (escape backslashes) |
_some 3 | At least one related value is true |
_none 3 | No related values are true |
1 Only available on geometry fields.
2 Only available in validation permissions.
3 Only available on One to Many relationship fields.
Filter Syntax
"field": {
"operator": "value"
The field
can exist on the current collection or a relational collection.
The operator
must be any valid filter operator such as 'equals' or 'contains'.
The value
can be any fixed static value or one of the provided dynamic variables.
This filter checks the
field contains the case-sensitive substring 'Directus':{
"title": {
"_contains": "Directus"
Relational Fields
You can specify related values by nesting field names. For example, if you have a relational Many to One author
field, and want to specify a filter on the author's name
"authors": {
"authors_id": {
"name": {
"_eq": "Rijk van Zanten"
When applying filters to a One to Many field, Directus will default to a 'some' search.
This filter checks all related category names and will check is at least one value is equal to 'Recipe':
"categories": {
"name": {
"_eq": "Recipe"
This behavior can be overridden by using the explicit _some
and _none
"categories": {
"_none": {
"name": {
"_eq": "Recipe"
Dynamic Variables
Variable | Description |
$CURRENT_USER | The primary key of the currently authenticated user. |
$CURRENT_ROLE | The primary key of the role for the currently authenticated user |
$NOW | The current timestamp |
$NOW(<adjustment>) | The current timestamp plus/minus a given distance, for example $NOW(-1 year) , $NOW(+2 hours) |
"owner": {
"_eq": "$CURRENT_USER"
When configuring permissions,
allow you to specify any related field, such as $
or $CURRENT_USER.avatar.filesize
.Logical Operators
You can group multiple rules using the _and
or _or
logical operators. Each logical operator holds an array of filter rules. Logical operators can be nested directly inside of each other, but not inside of other filter rules.
"_and": [
"field": {
"operator": "value"
"field": {
"operator": "value"
"_or": [
"_and": [
"user_created": {
"_eq": "$CURRENT_USER"
"status": {
"_in": ["published", "draft"]
"_and": [
"user_created": {
"_neq": "$CURRENT_USER"
"status": {
"_in": ["published"]
Functions Parameters
Functions accept a field and return a modified value. Functions can be used in any query parameter you'd normally supply a field key, including fields, aggregation, and filters.
The syntax for using a function is function(field)
Function | Description |
year | Extract the year from a datetime/date/timestamp field |
month | Extract the month from a datetime/date/timestamp field |
week | Extract the week from a datetime/date/timestamp field |
day | Extract the day from a datetime/date/timestamp field |
weekday | Extract the weekday from a datetime/date/timestamp field |
hour | Extract the hour from a datetime/date/timestamp field |
minute | Extract the minute from a datetime/date/timestamp field |
second | Extract the second from a datetime/date/timestamp field |
count | Extract the number of items from a JSON array or relational field |
_and: [
"year(published_date)": {
_eq: 1968,
"month(published_date)": {
_eq: 4,
Discover how to authenticate Directus Connect requests using authorization headers, session cookies, or query parameters.
Query Parameters
Learn about Directus query parameters - fields, filter, search, sort, limit, offset, page, aggregate, groupBy, deep, alias, and export. Understand how to customize your API requests and retrieve specific data from your collections.