

Learn to audit user activity and enforce accountability using the activity feed.

The activity feed shows action, collection, timestamp, and user.

The activity feed provides a collective timeline of all data-changing actions taken within your project. It is accessed via the notifications tray of the sidebar, and has the same filtering and search features as the Collection Page.

You can access the activity feed from the bottom of the right-hand sidebar.

External Changes
Directus can only track the events which actually pass through its platform. Therefore, any changes directly made to the database are not tracked in the activity feed.

View an Activity Log Item

The activity feed item details drawer showing user, action, timestamp, IP address, user agent, collection, and item.

Click on any item in the activity feed and a side drawer will open, displaying its logged details. The following information is stored for each item:

  • User — The user that performed the action.
  • Action — The specific action taken (e.g., Create, Update, Delete, Comment, or Login).
  • Timestamp — The timestamp of when the action was performed.
  • IP Address — The IP address of the device from which the action was performed.
  • User Agent — The description of the browser that was used to perform the action.
  • Collection — The Collection affected by the action.
  • Item — The ID of the item affected.
  • Comment — The comment left by the user (when applicable).

Filter by Activity

The filter UI is the same as the collection page - the action is being filtered to only show updates.

In addition to the filter and display functionality inherited from the Collection Page, you can also filter items by activity from the navigation bar.

Modify an Activity

To ensure proper accountability, system collections are read only by design. However, users with an Admin role have the ability to reopen, view, and modify an item's values in activities from non-system collections (where the name does not begin with directus_).