Getting Started Tutorials

Rendering Dynamic Blocks Using SvelteKit

Learn how to render dynamic blocks using SvelteKit.

Having used Directus as a Headless CMS to create individual blocks that can be re-used on different pages, let's integrate them into our Svelte website.

Before You Start

You will need:

  • A Directus project with the collections defined in our Create Reusable Blocks with Many-to-Any Relationships tutorial.
  • Your public policy should have read permission on the pages, x, y collections.
  • Fundamental understanding of Svelte concepts.

Set Permissions

After creating reusable blocks with Many-to-Any relationships from the tutorual, you need to make the created collections readable by the public. To do this go to Settings -> Access Policies -> Public and add read permissions to all the collections created in the previous tutorial.

Directus Public Access Policy

Configure Cors

You also need to make sure to configure CORS. Update your docker-compose.yml file as follows:

CORS_ORIGIN: "http://localhost:5173"

Set Up Your SvelteKit Project

Initialize Your Project

To start building, you need to install SvelteKit and Directus sdk. Run this command to install SvelteKit:

npx sv create dynamic_blocks

When prompted, select SvelteKit minimal as the template. Do not add type-checking, as this tutorial is implemented in JavaScript. Your output should look like this:

 Welcome to the Svelte CLI! (v0.6.16)
  Which template would you like?
  SvelteKit minimal
  Add type checking with Typescript?
  Project created
  What would you like to add to your project? (use arrow keys / space bar)
  Which package manager do you want to install dependencies with?
  Successfully installed dependencies
  Project next steps ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
  1: cd dynamic_blocks  2: git init && git add -A && git commit -m "Initial commit" (optional)  │
  3: npm run dev -- --open

Afterward, cd into your project directory and install the Directus SDK by running this command:

npm install @directus/sdk

You need to initialize Directus SDK in your project. Create a file called directus.js inside the ./src/lib directory. Add the following code:

// src/lib/directus.js
import { createDirectus, rest } from '@directus/sdk';

const directus = createDirectus('http://localhost:8055/').with(rest());

export default directus;

Create Frontend Components

Going by the structure of our reusable blocks, let's create a single component for each individual collection.

Hero Component

Create a ./src/lib/components/Hero.svelte file. Add the following code:

  export let data;

<section class="hero">
  <div class="text">
      <p>{@html data.content.replace(/<\/?p>/g, '')}</p>
      <div class="buttons">
          {#each data.buttons as button}
              <a href={button.href} class="btn {button.variant}">{button.label}</a>

  .hero {
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: space-between;
      padding: 2rem;
      background: #f5f5f5;
  .text {
      max-width: 50%;
  .buttons a {
      margin-right: 10px;
      padding: 10px 20px;
      border-radius: 5px;
      text-decoration: none;
  .primary {
      background: blue;
      color: white;

The code above is a hero section that dynamically displays a headline, content, buttons, and an optional image based on the data prop it receives.

Rich Text Component

Create a src/lib/components/RichText.svelte file. Add the following code:

  export let data;

<section class="rich-text">
  <div class="content">{@html data.content.replace(/<\/?p>/g, '')}</div>

  .rich-text {
      padding: 2rem;
      background: white;
  .content {
      font-size: 1rem;
      line-height: 1.5;

Card Group Component

Create a src/lib/components/CardGroup.svelte file. Add the following code:

<!--- src/lib/components/CardGroup.svelte-->
  export let data;

<section class="card-group">
  <p>{@html data.content.replace(/<\/?p>/g, '')}</p>
  <div class="cards">
      {#each as card}
          <div class="card">

  .card-group {
      padding: 2rem;
  .cards {
      display: flex;
      gap: 1rem;
  .card {
      padding: 1rem;
      border: 1px solid #ddd;
      border-radius: 5px;

Page Component

Create a fetchPage.js file inside the ./src/lib directory to use the Directus client to fetch pages. Add the foloowing code:

// src/lib/fetchPage.js
import directus from './directus';
import { readItems } from '@directus/sdk';

export async function fetchPage(slug) {
    try {
        const response = await directus.request(
            readItems('pages', {
                filter: { slug: { _eq: slug } },
                fields: [
                        blocks: [
                                item: ['*'] 
                limit: 1

        if (!response || response.length === 0) {
            console.warn(`No page found for slug: ${slug}`);
            return null;

        let pageData = response[0];

        pageData.blocks = Array.isArray(pageData.blocks) ? pageData.blocks : [];

        console.log("Fetched page data:", pageData);
        console.log("Blocks Data:", pageData.blocks);

        return pageData;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error fetching page:", error);
        return null;

The code above fetches a page from Directus by looking up its slug, retrieves its content and blocks, ensures valid data formatting, and handles errors gracefully.

Dynamically Fetch Page Data

You need a dynamic route to help import your page builder components, call your pages collection via the API, and add a filter rule to match the requested page’s `slug. '

Create a src/routes/[slug]/+page.svelte file. Add the following code:

    import { onMount } from 'svelte';
    import { page } from '$app/stores';
    import { fetchPage } from '$lib/fetchPage'
    import PageBuilder from '$lib/pageBuilder.svelte';
    import { get } from 'svelte/store';

    let pageData = null;

    async function loadPage() {
        const slug = get(page).params.slug; 
        pageData = await fetchPage(slug);


{#if pageData}
    <PageBuilder blocks={pageData.blocks} />

Map Blocks to Components

Create a src/lib/pageBuilder.svelte file. Add the following code:

 <!--- src/lib/pageBuilder.svelte-->
    import Hero from '$lib/components/Hero.svelte';
    import RichText from '$lib/components/RichText.svelte';
    import CardGroup from '$lib/components/CardGroup.svelte';

    export let blocks = [];

    const blockMap = {
        block_hero: Hero,
        block_richtext: RichText,
        block_cardgroup: CardGroup
{#if Array.isArray(blocks) && blocks.length > 0}
    {#each blocks as block (}
        {#if block?.collection && blockMap[block.collection]}
                data={(typeof block.item === 'object') ? block.item : {}} />
            <p>Unknown block type: <strong>{block.collection}</strong></p>
    <p>No blocks found.</p>

The code above maps all the possible page.pages_blocks.collection names to your page block components.

It also loops through the page.blocks array and passes the correct data (props) that each page_builder component needs to render properly.

Test the Application

To test the project, run this command:

npm run dev

In Directus, create a page and add some blocks to it. populating the pages with some blocks

Visit http://your-wesite-url/your-slug to see the result. For this example, it's going to be localhost:5173/rabbit.

result displaying the block content


In this post, you learned how to create a page builder in Directus and use it to display dynamic components in a Svelte application.

Dynamic blocks enhance user experience. It can be used in various sections of your website, and Directus makes it easy to implement.